
5/14 @Victory Park 

毎週日曜午後3時、Victory Park(パサデナ)にてギター伴奏での賛美、教会のご案内、良き神様が働いてくださった日々の生活の証を書いた、トラクトを配っています。

Tract Report at Miyamaedaira station (April 21st)

This is the tract report for April 21st at Miyamaedaira station.

Time and Place: 16:30-17:00 at Miyamaedaira station
Tracts passed out: 85 tracts
Participants: Erika, P, H, Daniel


Today, it was slow at the start, but people were receiving more towards the end. P was working well as a team with Erika at the entrance area, and H was also passing out for much of the time. There were a good number of children with parents, who received the tracts today. (Daniel)
