
November 1: Job 38-42



Jun re:むかい





In this week’s bible reading Job realizes how small we are compared to God and humbles himself. Applying this to my life, this week in yearbook my teammate deleted all the progress I made over the weekend without a word which made me angry. When I asked her why she had changed the whole page she blamed me for not communicating with her. She was absent on Monday and the team already discussed the page, this annoyed me even more. However, when I read how small and vulnerable we are to God I realized that this wasn’t a big issue as I had felt and I shouldn’t get mad or annoyed because of it. In the end, we agreed on how to format the page and which pictures we should go with another discussion.


Jun re: Emiri
I shouldn’t get mad or annoyed because of it. In the end, we agreed on how to format the page and which pictures we should go with another discussion.
Ok, but did you tell her how she shouldn’t have deleted your work and also how she essentially gave up her right to make decisions since she was absent when the team discussed the page? Humbling yourself doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you. The important part is to humble yourself under God (first), not under other people. In this case, you can be a light to her only if you make her aware of her wrongs, not by being silent.

Job wasn’t afraid to speak up against his friends when they were wrongly accusing him. In the end, he humbled himself only under God. Similarly to what I said about your application a couple of weeks ago about being more patient with Juri, be careful not to substitute God for other people.

This week’s Bible reading, I learned about Job humbled himself to God. Applying this to my life, I should be like Job and be humble in what I do. For example, when we have team sports during P.E., I should help lead the people in my group but also do this in a way that doesn’t include getting annoyed at them or making them mad at me. Also in my science work when my partner doesn’t really do work, I should also tell him what to do and make him be on task but not in a way that makes them feel annoyed at me.


Jun re: Tomas
I should help lead the people in my group but also do this in a way that doesn’t include getting annoyed at them or making them mad at me.
🤣Yes, certainly, we should strive to lead people in a way that will not make them annoyed or mad! First and foremost, try to think of yourself as a Christian ambassador (rather than simply a student, or “leader,” or athlete). If you are thinking first and foremost about winning (in sports) or getting a good grade (in academics), or simply getting the work done as fast as possible, you might end up being annoyed when people don’t listen or don’t hold up their part of the work.

But if you can think of yourself as an ambassador for Christ (aware that when people see you, they are seeing you as someone who represents what a Christian should be), you can speak and act with patience and God will give you the wisdom necessary to lead the group.

Also, the best way to lead is to lead by example (not by words)! Make sure you are always giving 100% and doing your best work, and people will follow.

October 25: Job 33-37

In Job Chp 33-37, I learned about how in Chapter 33, God gives warnings to people for them to turn away from sin or wrongdoings. Applying this to my life, whenever I do something wrong, like judging another person, I must know that God wants me to do the right thing and he would warn me about what I did wrong in order to avoid doing these things.


Jun re Tomas:
Yes, God always speaks to you in a soft voice, but often, when we are angry or irritated or just plain busy, we push that voice aside and don’t want to listen. So when you feel like you are not at peace in your heart for whatever reason, stop and first listen to your inner voice. Unlike Job, we do not have to wait for God to speak, because through Jesus’ death, we already have God’s spirit living within us.




Jun re よしや:

Masami re よしや:


In this weeks bible reading I thought it was interesting on to see how Elihu associated God’s characteristics in nature. I thought this was interesting since I am taking an agricultural class right now where we farm and learn about sustainable agriculture. As I work on the fields and learned about the functions of each part of the plant, which are all interlinked together to create the actual plant, I thought of how amazing it is that you can see God by looking at the things around you. So I was reminded that it is important to live with God everyday.


Jun re Emiri:
As I work on the fields and learned about the functions of each part of the plant, which are all interlinked together to create the actual plant, I thought of how amazing it is that you can see God by looking at the things around you.
So what did you learn specifically about God from studying about the plants? (You don’t need to answer this time, but if you can explain more in detail about things like this, that would be even better.)

About the line ball in tennis, since it’s the 2nd time a similar thing happened recently, you know how you can shine as a light by speaking up, so try to follow through next time.




Masami re むかい:

Jun re むかい:







October 18: Job 28-32

In this week’s Bible reading I learned from Elihu that if you know something is amiss it’s important to speak up no matter who it was to. Elihu spoke up against people older than him which wasn’t common at that time since older people have more wisdom, but he spoke up when he felt something wasn’t right. This week after my tennis match I was watching my teammates play their matches. While I was watching I saw that a ball land right on the line which is considered in in tennis, the girl saw it was a line ball but called it out and was able to win the game. I learned that it is important to speak up to no matter the person when I know somethings are not right.


Jun re Emiri:
I saw that a ball land right on the line which is considered in in tennis, the girl saw it was a line ball but called it out and was able to win the game. I learned that it is important to speak up to no matter the person when I know somethings are not right.
So did you speak up?話は最後まで書いてください。😅




Jun re むかい:






Jun re Yoshiya:
Good, Yoshiya.


In Job 31, Job lists sins he did not commit (lust, falsehood, injustice) because he knows God sees everything and will judge him. Though once blessed in his relationships with God and others, Job lost it all, and his suffering includes feeling spiritually disconnected. In chapter 28, he asks, “Where does wisdom come from?” and answers his own question, concluding that “the fear of the Lord is wisdom” (v.28). Applying this, I need to be more consistent in Bible reading, as I tend to prioritize school and my personal free time. For wisdom and a closer relationship with God, I need to read more in depth.


Jun re Timothy:
In Job 31, Job lists sins he did not commit (lust, falsehood, injustice) because he knows God sees everything and will judge him.
Yes, but don’t forget that Job did more than “not sin.” In various places, you read how he helped the fatherless and widows (meaning he used his own wealth and resources to help them), how he used his influence and high social standing to uphold justice for those who could not do so for themselves, as well as probably many things not mentioned. Otherwise, would God say “there is no one on earth like him?”

In chapter 28, he asks, “Where does wisdom come from?” and answers his own question, concluding that “the fear of the Lord is wisdom” (v.28).
Chapter 28 is actually inserted by the author, and not Job’s own words. It is interesting that the exact description of Job used in 1:1, 1:8 and 2:3 (the latter two given by God himself) is the very definition of wisdom: “he (Job) feared God and shunned evil.” In other words, Job already had wisdom even before his trials. So don’t interpret chapter 28 as “oh, so Job had to go through hardship in order to gain wisdom.”

Applying this, I need to be more consistent in Bible reading, as I tend to prioritize school and my personal free time. For wisdom and a closer relationship with God, I need to read more in depth.
Good, but you’ve already mentioned this several times, so as the Bible says (Matt 5:37), “simply let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes.’”😆 (Just follow through.) Also, I think you’re (not just Timothy, but all of you) still approaching the Bible as something to be studied with your brain, just as you would study any subject in school. Instead, approach it as you would a friend. Get to know God by not just reading the word, but living with him every day. As you go through your day, do you sense his guidance in your heart? Are you reminded of some verse you read recently as you go through your day? Do you greet him as you open your eyes in the morning, and speak to him about your day as you get ready to fall asleep? God is a living being. The only way to know him better, is to live with him.


In Job 32, Elihu mentions that even though he didn’t agree with what the other three spoke about to Job, he kept silent and was patient for them as well as listened to what they said. Applying this to my life, in my home, I sometimes get annoyed by what others do around me even by the smallest things they do and I usually do not think during these situations since I am just mad. However, instead of doing this, I can just tell them what happened or what I found what was wrong instead of making a big deal out of it since that will just lead to more problems in my family.


Jun re Tomas:
Ok, Tomas. Interesting application😄!
(Make sure you also read what I wrote to others as well.)

October 11: Job 23-27

In this week’s Bible reading, I learned about how Job chose to stand in what he believed in, which he did nothing wrong towards God and chose to not disobey him even though his friends kept trying to scold Job. Applying this to my life, when I am struggling on work or sad, I should pray to God since like Job, God is with me.


Jun re: Tomas:
I learned about how Job chose to stand in what he believed in, which he did nothing wrong towards God
This was something he knew, rather than something he had to choose to believe in (he knew what a blameless life he had lived so far), and this was his hidden strength, like I wrote before. Your daily lifestyle, the words you speak with your friends, the way you act around them, how spiritually pure you are maintaining yourself—these things really affect how strongly you can believe that God will listen to your prayers.

Applying this to my life, when I am struggling on work or sad,
Again, try to write specifically each time you write about application (e.g. when I was struggling with such-and-such, I did/said…then this happened…etc., or I was sad this week because…so…etc.). You will learn much more if you do this.


In this weeks Bible reading when Job prove that he is right and he clearly says what he believes/thinks and explains to his friends that he is right though they don’t listen to him. This week in the yearbook I was designing a page and my partner and I divided the work between the two, where she interviewed and I did the design. But later when I rechecked the page she had altered the design in various places making it distorted. I was annoyed at her for changing the design but afterward, I realized that I didn’t say what I thought was good for the page and when we discussed about the page I wasn’t clear in what I said and I was vague about what I wanted the page to look like. So I learned that I should express what I think more clearly.


Jun re: Emiri:
Ok, Emiri. 先週書いたことに関しては、返事なかったけど、、どうなの?





Masami re: むかい


Jun re: むかい















From last weeks application I think sometimes when I talk I come out meaner or harsher then what I actually mean and applying that to what learned last week from the way the friends talked harshly to Job I think it’s important for me to be careful on how I talk to the people around me. Like last week on another day when I was rushing Juri again my dad scolded me for talking to Juri angrily which I didn’t mean to say so harshly but it sounded mean to other people but he also told Juri to get ready faster and I was able to get to school on time. From this I learned to be more careful in how I talk from Jobs friends.


Jun re Emiri:


October 4: Job 18-22

In this week’s bible reading Job’s friends condemns Job even more harshly then their previously. They get too caught up in trying to prove their point that they don’t really listen to Job and just keep repeating what they said over and over again, which is Job is a sinner and he deserved we hat he got.
This week I got irritated at Juri for not getting ready by the time we had to leave even though she woke up early. I was caught up in trying to prove that I was right in saying she was slow, and lashed out on her. After reading how the friends talked to Job I feel like I talked to Juri in a similar matter of repeating the same things harshly which she didn’t listen to. I realized that I shouldn’t get my irritation to change the way I talk.




In this week’s Bible reading, they continue their arguing, with Job’s friends still convinced that Job had done something “wicked,” and that this was his punishment. In their arrogance, they failed to see what was really going on and criticized Job for something he didn’t do. Nevertheless, Job remained adamant that he was innocent and did not do anything wrong. I learned that it is good to speak up about what I believe/know to be true even though the people around me tell me otherwise. For example, this week, I did a coding project with a friend, and there was something wrong with the code. My friend thought that my code was wrong, and even though I was pretty certain that mine had no problems, I didn’t say anything and tried to debug for about 10 minutes. I ended up checking my friend’s code and found that he had put commas instead of “+” signs, which was why it wasn’t working. I should speak up more when I know that what other people are saying is wrong. However, I should know my place, and listen to people who are higher level than me (spiritually, academically, etc.) so that I don’t end up being like Job’s friends.


ヨブとその友人らの問答に於いて、興味を持った言葉は、「彼らは神に向かって言う。 「ほうっておいてください。 あなたに従う道など知りたくもない。 なぜ、全能者に仕えなければならないのか。 神に祈って何になるのか。」 だが、彼らは財産を手にしているではないか。 神に逆らう者の考えはわたしから遠い。」ヨブ21‬:‭14‬から16‬の神から離れた人々についてヨブが語った言葉である。ヨブは持っているものを失いまくった一方、財産を持つ神に逆らう者がいる。つまりヨブが神に罪を犯したから財産を失った訳ではない。それにもかかわらず、友人達はヨブを非難した。彼らは彼のことについて何も知らない。人のことを人は知らないのに、人の弱いところを突いて、偉そうな説教や知ったような態度を取りたくない。


In this week’s Bible reading, I learned about how Job continued to get mocked and scolded by his friends and yet continued to speak about. Applying this to my life, just like Job, I sometimes face disagreements with friends in my classwork or projects. Like Job though, I shouldn’t let these things turn me down, but rather not be discouraged by this and tell them my way of doing the work.


Jun re: Emiri:


Jun re: Mukai:





Jun re: Timothy:
Good, Timothy!👍I really hope you will continue to grow in this aspect (being bolder in expressing to others what you are thinking and what you believe so God can use you more). From my own experience in school, it is usually those who don’t have anything worthwhile to contribute that speak up needlessly and waste time, while those who do have something to contribute often stay quiet. In the end, we are all just vessels. This is what helped me be bolder when I was growing up. Getting out of the mindset of me being the one who has to speak or do something, but rather, God being the one who speaks and does his work through me.

Jun re: Tomas:
Disagreements with friends about projects is a little different than what Job was facing. Learning to work through disagreements, while also speaking your mind is part of growing up. Do you want to know what’s the best way to (usually) get people to listen to you, though? Being the most prepared (always) and being one of the best students in class will usually be enough to silence disagreements, because in the end, most kids just want to get a good grade and are more than happy to let students who are better than them do most of the work 😏.😁

Jun re: Yoshiya:
Welcome back Yoshiya!

「彼らは神に向かって言う。 「ほうっておいてください。 あなたに従う道など知りたくもない。 なぜ、全能者に仕えなければならないのか。 神に祈って何になるのか。」

September 27: Job 13-17

In this week’s Bible reading Job wasn’t swayed by what his friends around him said. He strongly had hope in God and believed that he was innocent even if his friends continually kept on saying that he was in the wrong, he knew he wasn’t and kept firm. Applying this to my life it is important to not be swayed by what others say or do when you know something is not right. This week in tennis the opponents forgot their score and my partner tried to hide the score. I told her that it was wrong but she kept on pushing me that it was their responsibility for not tracking the score so I didn’t retaliate as much since I wasn’t confident of the count as well, but after the match, I did a recount, and she did hide it. Though they won the set I should have stood more firmly on what I knew was right like Job rather than letting it slide.




This week’s Bible reading, I learned about Job and his friends who continued to scold Job in a bad way. Applying this to my life, Job’s friends are like an example of someone to be to my friends, family members, and others since I wouldn’t know what problems they have, similar to how Job was struggling with everything going on in the Bible.


In chapter 13, Job asks, “Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him? Will you show him partiality? Will you argue the case for God? (7-8). Instead of comforting Job, the friends start to argue with them on behalf of God, and Job calls them “worthless physicians” (13:4) and “miserable comforters” (16:2). In chapter 19, Job says if the roles were switched, Job could disagree and “make fine speeches against” the one who is suffering, but will still encourage and comfort them (16:4-5). Applying this to my life, whenever someone’s having trouble with something, even if I disagree, I should try to comfort them. It is not my job to judge and argue, but God’s; I shouldn’t speak on behalf of him.


Jun re: Emiri:
Good specific example, Emiri.👍 It is interesting that the right team did end up winning.

He strongly had hope in God and believed that he was innocent even if his friends continually kept on saying that he was in the wrong, he knew he wasn’t and kept firm.
Yes, good point. But why was he able to do so? We often think of holding on to our faith as a sheer test of will and perseverance, but actually, the hidden strength of each person’s faith is in his or her daily life and how faithful he/she has been in doing God’s will (often in the little things). If we know we have not been doing or saying what we should have, it is impossible to have faith.

Jun re: Tomas:
Try to go beyond the surface level of what is written. Ask God what he wants to teach you as you read each chapter. There should be a new discovery each week—you will know when that happens, because you will sense your spirit and soul getting excited. Actively seek that out.

As I wrote to others, be specific in your applications. You should be writing about something that actually happened to you or is going on in your life right now.

Jun re: Timothy:
Applying this to my life, whenever someone’s having trouble with something, even if I disagree, I should try to comfort them.
Give at least one specific example! What kind of trouble? What did you disagree with them about? How did you comfort them?

Since you guys usually don’t write specifically when it comes to applications, I need to guess what you mean and what kinds of things you guys are experiencing or facing in life. You should be providing this information so my replies can be succinct and helpful to you. Otherwise, I can only reply in a general way, which is not really helpful to anyone.

Some common examples that come to mind are when kids complain about how teachers or parents are treating them (or how difficult a test was), or something similar to what Emiri wrote about this week (her tennis partner wanted to hide the opponents’ score). In all of these cases, it is your conscience prompting you to disagree with them and it would be wrong (a sin) to remain silent, let alone comfort them.

It is not my job to judge and argue, but God’s; I shouldn’t speak on behalf of him.
Be very careful about painting in broad strokes. God very often does require that we speak on behalf of him. In fact, if Christians remain silent, how do you expect God to speak to non-Christians?

It is true that we should not judge, but be careful how you define the word “judge.” For example, Proverbs 31:9 says “speak up and judge fairly.” Lev 5:1 says, “if anyone sins because they do not speak up regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible.” Or that quote from Esther that you all liked, “if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise from another place”…imagine if Esther had felt bad for Haman and tried to comfort him?

As a general piece of advice, I would say at your age, it much more vital to learn to speak up, rather than trying to comfort or encourage others. Comforting / encouraging is much more difficult and requires age and experience. Someone who is spiritually below cannot comfort or encourage those above. Jobs’ 3 friends would not have been able to comfort or encourage Job, even if they had wanted to.

As you continue to read, you will see that there is a 4th friend who appears. He is the only friend who is not condemned by God later on. But he definitely does not try to comfort Job, and you could say he does “judge” Job, too. But God does not condemn him. Why?

Jun re: Mukai:





September 20: Job 8-12

In this week’s bible reading Jobs friends continue to accuse Job of sinning to God, which they say was the reason his blessings were taken from him. They question Job on what he could have done to have all of these bad things happen to him. In the way Zohar questioned Job he talks down on Job and is exasperated with what Job was saying and claiming he knew better and how Job deserved the punishment. Applying this to my life I should not be a friend like Zohar that who looks down on others but to encourage the people around me, like if my friends is going through a tough time by encouraging them under God.


今回の聖書朗読では、「神様を怒らせた人は相手の不幸を笑う。のところ神様を求めている人はその人たちに笑われる。」ヨブ期 12章4-6


In Job chapter 9, in his despair, Job says that he wants a mediator between him and God; “someone to bring us together, someone to remove God’s rod from me, so that his terror would frighten me no more” (9:33, 34). As a “mere mortal,” he feels that there is no way for him to communicate with God and that his suffering will not end. However, it is mentioned a few times in the Bible that through Jesus, we can confidently and boldly enter God’s presence (Eph 3:12, Heb 10:19). Job’s despair comes from feeling distant/powerless before God, but through Jesus’ sacrifice, that gap is bridged and we can enter his presence without fear and sin. Applying this to my life, whenever I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I should remember that God is with me and I can ask God for help, through Jesus.


This bible reading, I learned about how Job was judged and looked down upon by Zophar. Applying this to my life, I am just like the people around me, like my friends and family and I should treat them with respect. For example, when my parents ask me how my day was or when I need something or need help, I should ask them since that for me is a sign of respect to them rather than just saying nothing to them.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
I should not be a friend like Zohar that who looks down on others but to encourage the people around me, like if my friends is going through a tough time by encouraging them under God.


Jun’s comment re: Mukai:
今回の聖書朗読では、「神様を怒らせた人は相手の不幸を笑う。のところ神様を求めている人はその人たちに笑われる。」ヨブ期 12章4-6

Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
The fact that these verses stood out to you (9:33, 34) shows that you have a good sense of what God wants to say through the book of Job. Also, good for finding the exact verses that talk about how we can now boldly enter God’s presence.

Applying this to my life, whenever I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I should remember that God is with me and I can ask God for help, through Jesus.
Yes, and start by living with him every day (not just when you need help or feel overwhelmed). Come to know God as a living being, just as you come to know and love other people or pets. Eat with him, study with him, have fun with him, speak with him. Praise him from your heart. This was what God wanted from Job. He wanted a personal relationship with Job, and not to be treated as some sort of vending machine for blessings.

Jun’s comment re: Tomas:
For example, when my parents ask me how my day was or when I need something or need help, I should ask them since that for me is a sign of respect to them rather than just saying nothing to them.
Did this happen last week? 😄 Learning to communicate and express yourself to others is important, and I feel in this day and age, when so much of our time is spent dealing with machines (computers, cell phones, etc.), that skill is lost. You are lucky to have parents that care about you and ask how your day was, so take advantage of that and you might be surprised how talking about what happened helps cement what you learned that day and helps deal with any problems you may have encountered. Don’t bottle things up inside. And also ask your parents how their day was. 😉

Emiri re: Jun:
For my application, last week we had a test for history class and my friend didn’t do very well on it. She was really down about her grade and didn’t talk much in the classes afterwards either. I tried to encourage her by telling her that it was just one test and there were other things to makeup for that test but it didn’t really help her since I tried to encourage her with my own stregth, I didn’t look down on her but I wasn’t able to help her either, I felt that in order to be able to help people I need to be living with God all the time, at school and home.

Jun re: Emiri:
I didn’t look down on her but I wasn’t able to help her either, I felt that in order to be able to help people I need to be living with God all the time, at school and home.



Masami’s comment:







September 13: Job 3-7

In this week’s bible reading I learned that even when there is hardship and it seems like nobody is watching over you, like what Job felt when he was inflicted with diseases and when his friend’s blamed Job, himself, for the misfortune, it’s especially important to remember that God is always with us in those situations. I can apply it by always keeping the scripture inside of me (Joshua 1:9) and not forgetting that God is always with me, at school and at home.


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how Job believed that God had forsaken him since he gave offerings to God and expected for God to give him blessings but rather disease came upon him. But God used this as a way to teach Job and didn’t want Job to just rely on offerings for blessings but have Job love him and pray to him. Applying this to my life, I know that God watches over me, and I should pray to God for guidance in things I need help on such as my history projects, math work, and also my reading assignments.


ヨブ記の4章の「私の見てきたところでは、不法を耕して 害悪を蒔く者が、自らそれらを刈り取るのだ。」のところでした。


In this week’s Bible reading, we see Job and his friend (specifically Elipaz)’s reaction to his hardship. Job is understandably depressed, wishing to be dead and expressing his despair and hopelessness. Rather than trying to comfort his friend, Elipaz essentially accuses Job of sin, and in God’s righteousness, he is getting what he deserves; “Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty” (5:17). He exemplifies his confidence/arrogance and holier-than-thou attitude when he says, “We have examined this, and it is true. So hear it and apply it to yourself” (5:27). However, we know that Job’s suffering is not the cause of Job’s wrongdoings, but is the test of his faith. Elipaz acts as though he understands God’s plan, speaking on behalf of him, and we see his lack of empathy throughout his speech. He offers judgment rather than kindness (Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty, 6:14), making Job feel worse than he already did. Applying this to my life, I should not judge anyone and stay humble.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
it’s especially important to remember that God is always with us in those situations.
Is there anything more you learn? Did God just want Job to learn that even in misfortune, God is with him? That’s all?

When you guys do the Bible reading, don’t just look for confirmation of truths you know already. Likewise, don’t just latch on to “words of comfort” (words that make you momentarily feel better about yourself). Look for the hard-to-understand truths and things you don’t know already.

I can apply it by always keeping the scripture inside of me (Joshua 1:9) and not forgetting that God is always with me, at school and at home.
You mentioned this also in your testimony, but it seems like it’s not quite working (you don’t quite feel strong and courageous like Joshua was able to be). Why do you think that is?

Jun’s comment re: Tomas:
God wanted Job to live a blameless life not out of fear of God, but out of love for God. A parallel to your life as a student, would be studying hard and doing well in school not out of fear of parents/teachers, or to get good grades and enter a good university (and eventually land a good job), but to do all these things because you love studying and learning new things, because it brings you closer to God (the more you know about the world he created, the more you come to know God) and makes you a bigger vessel to be used for his purpose.

Jun’s comment re: Mukai:
ヨブ記の4章の「私の見てきたところでは、不法を耕して 害悪を蒔く者が、自らそれらを刈り取るのだ。」のところでした。



Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
Overall quite good, Timothy.

However, we know that Job’s suffering is not the cause of Job’s wrongdoings, but is the test of his faith.
Yes, you can say it is a test of faith, but not in the sense of, “let’s see how strong you stay, when I throw all these misfortunes at you.” That is Satan’s stance, but not God’s. God allowed Satan to attack Job, only because there was something he wanted Job to learn, and God knew Job was strong enough to withstand Satan’s attacks. So it is a test in the sense that God wanted Job to pass and rise to the next level, so that he could be an even bigger vessel for God (and with that, came even bigger blessings as we will see).

and we see his lack of empathy throughout his speech.
I understand what you’re getting at, but be careful of putting too much value on empathy. Empathy is meaningful only if it is in line with God’s truth and perspective. Empathy on a merely human level can be dangerous and often gets in the way of God’s will. Another way to put it is, we should strive to have empathy with God, rather than with other humans. Eliphaz’s mistake was not so much a lack of empathy, but arrogance and a lack of understanding concerning his own place and level (i.e. much lower than Job’s). One can also surmise that Eliphaz was probably jealous of Job and how blessed he was, so was secretly a little happy about how Job was now suffering. It is important to know that this is how friends of the world usually are.

September 6: エステル記 8-10, ヨブ記 1-2

In this week’s bible reading Mordecai writes a letter concerning Purim. They explain how it should be celebrated, on that day it should be a day of feasting and joy and giving to one another or sharing your blessing. It also says in the end that this day should always be remembered and observed so they won’t forget the blessing God gave them. Applying this to my life I learned through this the importance of not forgetting the blessings I received, and to give blessings to the people around me since I also received them. Like during kids club, to take care of the kids with sincerity since I was also taken cared of, I want to do the same for the people around me.


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how loyal to God Job was no matter what. Even after Satan sent curses down on him and suffered greatly because of this. Applying this to my life, like Job, we should always be with and rely on God no matter what trials we are going through and no matter what other people say about going with God. Also, God uses hard times like what Job was going through as ways to learn, improve, and teach his ways because he disciplines those he loves like Job. For example, I have a lot of assignments currently and I now have to memorize a song for my up-coming concert. Even though these things seem hard, God will use these experiences as ways for me to improve on my learning as well as being able to play the viola.






The last part of Esther focuses on what happened to the Jews after the execution of Haman. They went from fearing death by Haman’s edict to “a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor,” with Mordecai becoming second in rank to the king. Even after Haman’s death, Esther begged the king to put an end to Haman’s plans. What stood out to me was that she stayed very humble, despite the king always listening to her requests (he even said that he would give her half the kingdom if she wanted in chapter 7). She did not grow arrogant and kept her attitude the same. She did the right things and passed the “tests” that God gave her, she understands that she needed God to save her people. Applying this to my life, I should always be thankful, and when something good happens (such as getting a good grade on an assignment/test, etc.), I should always remember that I God helped me and I didn’t do it by myself.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
to give blessings to the people around me since I also received them. Like during kids club, to take care of the kids with sincerity since I was also taken cared of,
Yes, but just as the Jews gave “gifts to the poor” (rather than simply “gifts to friends and family”), who are those that are “poor” around you? Especially spiritually poor? Probably not the kids in church, but rather those outside—your friends and classmates who don’t have a relationship with God yet. That classmate in chemistry class (I don’t know what exactly she did or said to you but) she too is also spiritually poor if she acts meanly towards you—do you see that? If you can, it will change your mindset 180 degrees and you can act towards her with God’s love (not our love) and be a wonderful witness of Christ to her.

Jun’s comment re: Tomas:
Also, God uses hard times like what Job was going through as ways to learn, improve, and teach his ways because he disciplines those he loves like Job.
Yes, but it’s also important to see what the specific lesson was that God wanted Job to learn. It wasn’t just “discipline” in a general sense.

God wanted Job to do all the good deeds he was already doing and live the godly (pure) lifestyle he was already living, for a different reason (motivation) than he had at the outset of the story. Job was doing these things because he wanted to be blessed (and his family to be blessed). The flip side is that one can also say he was doing these things out of fear of punishment. God rather wanted Job to love him, and to live a good life out of love for him, and for no other reason.

This is a very important truth that is very much easier said than done (easy to understand with your head, but not easy to do, because it is a matter of the heart and not something that can be physically seen).

Jun’s comment re: Mukai:


Jun’s comment re: Yoshiya:
Good. クリスチャンにとって、試練はいつも、強くしてくれるものです。嫌なことが起きたり、苦手な人・ことに出会った時、頭に置いとくといいです。また、これによって、ステップアップできる!と思えば、試練も喜びになります。




Jun’s comment re: TImothy:
Ok, good Timothy.

Everyone, use Google translate (or something similar) to read all the emails if you don’t understand Japanese (or vice versa). When I write replies, I am basically writing to everyone (hoping it will be helpful to all of you), so please read the emails I’ve sent to others as well.

Yakumo said he doesn’t want to do Bible reading, so please leave out his email from now on.

August 30: エステル記 3-7

In this week’s bible reading, chapter 3, when Haman came people bow down to him and honored him, even the nobles around Mordecai bowed down and honored Haman, but Mordecai refused to do the same. Mordecai didn’t care about what people around him did or said about him and would not be swayed by their words, but he kept on doing things that was right in God’s eyes. Applying this to my life, I shouldn’t go along or try to match the people around me since they are not always right. In tennis practice a lot of people try to take shortcuts or cheat out a point and since everyone is doing it, the majority cuts their practice to make it easier for themselves and to win, I learned that even if it’s hard it’s important to do it completely and not going along with people around me just to win.


‭‭エステル‬ ‭4‬:‭14‬


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about Haman’s pridefulness and was easily offended when Mordecai didn’t bow to him. He would try to conspire to kill Mordecai, but instead, that plan would backfire and Haman would get killed himself. Applying this to my life, I should not be prideful of myself or think of what I think is right but rather listen to God, pray, read the Bible for guidance, and be open to his Word.


Masami’s comment re: Yoshiya:

In chapter 4 verse 14, Mordecai says, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” In other words, there is a reason why Esther became queen while Haman made the law about killing all the Jews. Due to her position as queen, she was in a place where she could go to the king. However, due to the laws, it was illegal to go up to the king without being summoned, so, the Jews fasted for three days. Esther went up to the long, which eventually resulted in stopping Haman’s plans and his execution. From this, I learned that God has a plan and there is a reason for everything. Like Esther, we are to be bold and do what we are supposed to, trusting in God. Applying this to my life, this reminds me that I am in my current situation for a purpose, just like how Esther was in a position to influence the king. Although I don’t know for sure specifically what I need to do, I should keep in mind that God is giving me opportunities, like Esther’s position of queen saved her people.


Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
In chapter 4 verse 14, Mordecai says, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” In other words, there is a reason why Esther became queen
Have you guys also thought about why Esther was chosen in the first place by King Xerxes out of all the beautiful girls brought to the palace and why Hegai, the eunuch in charge of the harem, treated her with special favor? Don’t think that just because it was God’s plan, Esther would have been made queen no matter what. Just because God has a plan for you, doesn’t mean it will happen automatically. There are small tests all along the way—when you pass one, you step up to the next one and so on. If you give up, that’s the end of God’s original plan for you.

Think about how Esther acted—brought as a very young girl to the palace and thrust into a completely new world (the harem) where anything she could possibly want would have been given to her, she did not change her lifestyle and personality at all. She continued to obey Mordecai (who was not even her real father, but only a cousin) and did not ask for anything special (全然チャラチャラにならなかった)。If you were in her place, do you think you would have been able to act in the same way? It doesn’t matter if you are a boy or girl. Imagine you were suddenly adopted into a king’s family and given servants whose job is to wait on you and give you whatever you ask for. Would you be able to not change at all and act as a Christian in a non-Christian culture?

Esther never explicitly mentioned her Jewish identity until the end, but she showed God’s glory in the harem even before she became queen, and before she saved the Jews. Something was different about her and that’s why the king chose her as his wife. She gives us a good example of how to be a good witness wherever you are, even if you don’t get the chance to explicitly tell others about Jesus. Of course, when the chance comes, you need to be bold and speak, just as Esther did.

Although I don’t know for sure specifically what I need to do,
There are many things we told you (not just Timothy but all of you at various times) already—work on those so you can be a bigger and better vessel that God can use. Ultimately, how much God can use you comes down to your character—for Timothy (for example), work on expressing yourself more freely and being bold.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
In tennis practice a lot of people try to take shortcuts or cheat out a point and since everyone is doing it, the majority cuts their practice to make it easier for themselves and to win, I learned that even if it’s hard it’s important to do it completely and not going along with people around me just to win.
You do realize that you wouldn’t be doing yourself any favors by taking shortcuts or cheating, whether it be in sports or academic studies. No one who cheats learns anything or improves their skill so ultimately, such a person is only putting themselves at a disadvantage later on.

Also, let’s aim a little higher. This application is only at the level of not sinning vs. sinning.


Jun’s comment re: Yoshiya:
Very good, Yoshiya.いつもこのぐらい書いてきて。ヨシヤの心がよく言葉の中から読み取れます。



今回の聖書朗読で学んだことは、エステル記 4:16の「行って、スサにいるユダヤ人をみな集め、私のために断食してください。三日三晩、食べたり飲んだりしないようにしてください。私も私の侍女たちも、同じように断食します。そのようにしたうえで、法令に背くことですが、私は王のところへ参ります。私は、死ななければならないのでしたら死にます。」この部分でここでは主の計画で死ぬ必要があるなら死ぬと書いていてここで、神様への信仰がわかる気がします。
どんな状況だろうとも神様への信仰をとださないようにする 環境を見ない 調子を合わせない

