
February 28: Psalm 75-79

This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how even though God brings blessings to his people, they still disobey him in Psalms 78. Applying this to my life, God gives me talents like running. And I shouldn’t use it in a way to benefit myself, but in a way were I should please God by using that talent and offering it to God by telling what talent I have is from God.

Jun re: Tomas
And I shouldn’t use it in a way to benefit myself, but in a way were I should please God by using that talent and offering it to God by telling what talent I have is from God.
Can you be more specific? What is an example of using running in a “way to benefit yourself” vs. the “way where you use that talent to please God?” Sure, you can tell people your talent is from God, but just saying that can come off as sounding a little arrogant depending on the situation, how you say it, etc., right? So how can you be a good witness for Christ (and this applies not just to running but to all areas of your life)?


In this week’s bible reading from Psalm 78:4 “We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” it made me realize the importance of sharing the good things God has done for me to the people around me. Applying this to my life tomorrow when I go pass out the flyers I want to go with this in mind and not just because my family is going. Also in my everyday life when I’m at school, to my friends and people I talk to in club I want to share more about the good things that happened to me through the church.

What stood out to me in this week’s Bible reading was Psalms 78. The Israelites did not desire a personal relationship with God, but only material blessing. It says, “Human beings ate the bread of angels” (v. 25) but “In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; in spite of his wonders, they did not believe.” (v. 32). Althouhg they were already blessed, they wanted more. Even when they did realize that they could God was their Redeemer, they would “flatter him with their mouths, lying to him with their tongues” (v. 36,37). Their praise to God was merely superficial, their “hearts were not loyal to him” (37). In continuing this Bible reading, I want to know more about God

February 21: Psalm 70-74

This week I learned from Psalm 71:3 ”Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.” That God’s word brings us certainty and confirmation when we are uncertain so it is crucial to take it seriously. I think I was lacking the seriousness in doing the Bible reading. I feel like I was not taking it seriously as I should have like when I am reading it everyday I’m skimming through the reading and it’s not coming into me. So I want to change that and do it more seriously.

Jun re: Emiri
You wrote basically the exact same thing not too long ago, which probably means that you weren’t able to do it after writing about it last time. So you need to think in practical terms what exactly you mean by doing Bible reading “more seriously” (“serious” is such a subjective word). Otherwise, the same thing will happen. How do you plan to do it “seriously” (besides not skimming through the reading)?

Like I wrote a couple weeks ago, always write something new. For example, although you wrote the same thing before, if you write in specific, practical terms how you will take Bible reading more seriously this time, that would be something new you will have learned and can implement.


In Psalms 73, Asaph confesses that he has “nearly lost my foothold” because he “envied the … prosperity of the wicked” (v. 2-3). The wicked are “always free of care” and say that God does not know of their deeds (v. 12). They ignore God and live selfishly according to the world. I have not been reading the Bible every day and I do usually not think about God or the Bible in my daily life. So, I will set a time for myself every day in the morning to pray and read the Bible. Then, I will have the entire day to think about and apply the passage to my life.

Jun re: Timothy
It’s good that this psalm left an impression on you. It did on me as well. Did you notice where the turning point (from nearly forsaking his faith in God after seeing how the wicked flourish) came for the psalmist?

“When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.” (v. 17)

The psalmist had faith in a good, just God in the beginning (v. 1): “Surely God is good…to those who are pure in heart.” But he lost his way when within his narrow purview, it seemed like God wasn’t really paying attention to people’s actions and thoughts. How familiar is this feeling? “Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure.” (v. 13) But when he enters God’s sanctuary (and hears/reads God’s words), he realizes how foolish he was.

Reading the Bible even a couple of minutes each day is the same as “entering God’s sanctuary.” If you do what you wrote (setting time aside to do it in the morning), I think you will be surprised at the difference it makes. For me, Bible reading is like receiving a text from someone you care about. Don’t you get happy if you pick up your phone in the morning and see someone you love has texted you while you were asleep? The whole Bible is one gigantic text from God, who cares about you so much.


This week’s Bible reading in Pslams 73, I learned that we shouldn’t be jealous or follow those that are wrong even if they are prosperous and do not suffer. Applying this to my life, I felt kind of iffy joining track since some of my friends told me not to join it because they said it would be, “boring.” But, I still joined and once our practice began, I realized it was hard, but I found it really fun and I even got faster than last time. So I was grateful I joined.

Jun re: Tomas
Good, Tomas. You learned not to listen to your friends’ words but to the voice in your heart. Be wary of people who are quick to say something is “boring.” This usually means that person him/herself is the boring one.

February 14: Psalm 65-69

In this week’s Bible reading I learned that nature was made to glorify God and teach us his presence from Psalm 65:8, “The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.” And 12, “The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing.” I thought it was amazing that even nature praises God. Applying this to my life, I saw how I have been taking a lot of things for granted. Throughout the week a lot of things with housing changed a lot which kind of irritated me as nothing was decided, but when I thought about it I realized I was only thinking about myself and I wasn’t looking at all the things I should be thankful for. So through reading this chapter I realized I was lacking praise toward God and I want to start being more conscious of it and do it.

Jun re: Emiri
I thought it was amazing that even nature praises God.
All creation was made to praise God. And out of all creation, humans are the only ones that have ceased to worship him. Even the ones that allegedly do, often praise only with their lips (as you know from reading Psalms).

Did you get the chance to drive or walk through the neighborhoods where everything burned? It is important since you are old enough, to bear witness and think seriously about why it happened. Psalm 65 says, “You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it. You drench its furrows…you soften it with showers and bless its crops…The grasslands of the wilderness overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness…they shout for joy and sing.”

Does this match what you see in your hometown? What I saw was the exact opposite. Nature was weeping; the trees charred and no longer able to praise their creator. The mountains are barren with no greenery in sight. Animals suffering burns and fleeing with nowhere to go. And always the lack of water—the firemen even ran out of water to put out the fires. What happened to God’s promise here? Did he lie or just make things up? Who is to blame?

We humans are the ones to blame for earth’s suffering. We are the reason why there is not enough water, and why God’s creation is being destroyed. Our selfishness, our greed for gain, our compulsion to use anything for our own good without regard for anyone else’s life or the earth’s future. Climate change is a result of this kind of lifestyle, do you see? And it’s not just about using water wisely, or not using chatGPT (which generates staggering amounts of carbon dioxide emissions), nor is it only (or largely) the responsibility of “people in charge” of creating national and international policies, but it is very much also about you and me.

Every time we make a small decision to put our own desires or needs first, every time we “forget” to give thanks or tell others what God has done for us, every time we take credit for what God has done for us, every time we use or manipulate others for our own ends (even on a very small scale), every time we “praise” God only with our lips and not with our hearts, we are adding to our collective sin which results in the earth being cursed and nature suffering. Do you see?


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about praising God when he does great things for us and always listens to us when we have needs. Applying this to my life, I had another history assignment that was writing three paragraphs. It was a lot of work and it was due the next day it was assigned to our class. So, I worked on it and when I finished it, I was happy and thanked God for this.

Jun re: Tomas
I worked on it and when I finished it, I was happy and thanked God for this.
Don’t forget that saying a prayer of thanks is good, but God expects more. What did you think about the following verses?

“Come and see what God has done!” 66:5
“Let the sound of his praise be heard.” 66:8
“Come and hear…let me tell you what he has done for me.” 66:16
“May the peoples praise you, God; may al the peoples praise you.” 67:5

All the peoples can come to praise him only if they hear about what God has done for us. How can they “hear” if we do not “tell?” That so few people on earth praise him is our responsibility. People who do not know God and come to wield (earthly) power end up making incredibly selfish decisions that make millions suffer and hastens the end of the world. You never know the impact you may make by telling someone about Jesus. Make sure you also read my reply to Emiri’s email.



Jun re: むかい




I learned in chapter 66 the importance of praising God. It says “come and see what God has done” and “let me tell you what he has done for me.” I need to recognize how God is working in my life and to share what he has done.

6 month review



  • 知ってる人と知らない人の区別(神様の声や業と、サタンや世の声とわざの区別、前よりはっきりわかるようになってますか?)
  • 自分を鏡で見るのが好き(自分をよく観察してますか?神様から見える本当の自分、良いところと悪いところ・直すべきところが前よりわかるようになってますか?)
  • 笑う(聖書読んで、面白い!新しいこと発見!楽しい!はありますか?)
  • 親が出す音を自分なりに真似しようとする(私が書いてることを少しづつでも、やろうとしてますか?)
  • 話せなくても、とにかく声を出す(メール書く時、自分の心にあることを、素直に表現しようとして、書いてますか?)
  • ものを探るため、口に入れる(適用を具体的に考えて、書いて、実行してますか?)
  • お気に入りのおもちゃに手を伸ばす(神様に対する願いをしっかり持ってますか?)
  • うつ伏せの状態から、腕を立てたり、寝返りできるようになる(霊的に強くなりたい、成長したいと思って、毎日聖書通読に取り組んでますか?)



  • 「正しい答え」を書こうとしないこと。これ、意味ないです。
  • ある意味、毎回違うことを書こうとすること。95%同じことを毎週書く傾向があります。成長止まってますね?りんごの説明をするとして、「赤い果物だと学んだ」を半年書き続けてるような感じです。「りんご」でもいろんな種類がある、「赤」でもいろんな赤がある。もっと言ったら、赤色じゃないりんごもある。味もさまざま。使い方もいろいろ。一つの真理も同じです。
  • 適用を具体的に毎回書くこと!書かない子もいるし、書いてる子ですら、実際的じゃないです。わざと、避けてますね?実際的に書こうとしたら、自然に日々の生活や、家族・友達のことが出てくるはずです。もちろん、書きたくない・触れたくないこともあるかも知れないけど、毎週100%漠然としか書かないのは、おかしいよね?神様を人生に入れてない証拠です。
  • 忠実にやること。片付け仕事で読んだり、メール書かないこと。


February 7: Psalm 60-64

In this week’s bible reading I learned from
62:4, “Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place; they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse.”
that intention is important when it comes to doing things. At school they were gathering volunteers to help distribute supplies to the students who lost their homes. Some people I talked to or heard from others said they are going to do it just to get free stuff from it, since people can also get free stuff if they help. Though when I heard about it the registration already ended, I thought that the when you do things you have to do it with a clear intention not just for show or personal gain.

Jun re: Emiri
When you think about application, write about yourself—something you said, did, plan to do, want to change, etc. rather than about other people.

Secondly, since your school is providing free stuff as an incentive for volunteers, there’s nothing wrong with looking forward to getting something out of volunteering. Honestly, how many people can really do good with absolutely nothing to look forward to? Be careful not to become legalistic. If you feel this is an area you personally need to work on (doing things not for show or personal gain), write what you want to change in yourself.


In Psalms 62, I learned about how God always protects us from fears and anxieties we have in our life. Applying this to my life, I had a math test I was preparing for in math and I was nervous to take it because the subject we were learning in math looked hard and confusing for me. However, I studied and prayed to God the day on the test and once I got the test, I realized that it was similar to my 7th grade math work that was slope and I was able to complete the test comfortably because of this.

Jun re: Tomas
Ok. I’m glad you experienced God’s help on the test.

Try to expand your Bible reading and applications beyond what is beneficial to you. Most of your applications are about how you can rely on God to help or guide you, which is ok, but think about growing up spiritually. A child is always expecting others to care for him, but as he grows older, he starts thinking about how he can protect or help others, how he can be a good son to his parents and how he can ultimately be of service to God and to others. Read the Bible thinking about what God wants from you, instead of the other way around.



Jun re: よしや



I learned to focus less on the world and more on God. Psalm 60:11 says that the salvation of man is vain, and 64:6, 7 says, “Surely the human mind and heart are cunning. But God will shoot them with his arrows; they will suddenly be struck down.” Instead of only asking others for advice (friends, family, etc.), I should also ask and trust in God.

Jun re: Timothy
You need to be more specific with your applications.

I learned to focus less on the world and more on God.
So how does this actually play out in your life?

Instead of only asking others for advice (friends, family, etc.), I should also ask and trust in God.
Advice about what? Ask about what?

January 31: Psalm 55-59

In this week’s bible reading I learned through Psalm 57:9 “I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.” that it is important to praise and thank God in every circumstance.
The “I will sing of you” really applied to my life this week as our school resumed this Thursday. My friends were worried about me since they knew that I had to evacuate, but when I told them about my 3 weeks about how the church members helped us by letting us stay at their homes and that my house was safe they were surprised. One of my friend who’s christian said it was amazing at how protected we were. I was taught that it is essential to thank God in every situation.

Jun re: Emiri
I was taught that it is essential to thank God in every situation.
You make it sound like it was a bad situation, but in reality, it wasn’t so bad, right? We all have a lot to thank God for, since our situations were not so dire in the first place. None of us lost our own homes, so in a sense, it is easy to thank God. The real question is, would we be able to thank God if we really had lost everything? Would we be able to praise God then? Would we still be able to believe in a good God and write praise songs to his name? David’s situation at the time he wrote this psalm was like those who lost their homes. David was essentially homeless and living (hiding) in a cave with none of the comforts we take for granted. He did not know where his next meal was coming from, and often had no roof over his head. He had to flee from place to place, sometimes even acting like a madman just to survive. Even when he was given the chance to kill Saul easily and take the throne (remember, David was already anointed to be king at this point!), he didn’t take it.

That is why God promised him that his house and kingdom would endure forever, and this prophecy came to be fulfilled in his descendant, Jesus Christ. There is no higher honor!


In Psalms 56, I learned that when I am struggling God is always with us when we put our trust in him. Applying this to my life, I had a lot of work this week like a test, my history work, reading assignments, and science work. I felt like I didn’t want to do a lot of that work, but I prayed to God for help and be able to work on all of them and I was eventually to turn in everything early and on time.

Jun re: Tomas
but I prayed to God for help and be able to work on all of them and I was eventually to turn in everything early and on time.
Next time, don’t just pray “for help” but be specific with what you ask and what you want. For instance, if you don’t want to do your homework because it’s not interesting to you—ask God to show you what is interesting about that subject. Ask God for wisdom, for inspiration, so that you can find studying enjoyable. For example, God lived through all of human history, working through individual beings and events. Even though the textbook does not mention God, you should be able to see his hand at work and when you do, history will become interesting and you will learn about how God works, similar to how you learn through reading the events that happened in the Bible.

Same thing with science. The textbook may not mention God, but he is the one that made the whole universe, who set the order of things that nature and physics obey to this day. Every subject is a doorway to learning more about God.



Jun re: むかい





Jun re: ヨシヤ


In all these psalms, the psalmist protests to God about their hardships, but each one ultimately ends in praise. I learned that it is important to have fellowship with God in every situation, even in my troubles. I should be honest with God, knowing that he listens. At the same time, like David, I should always end with praise that he has done it.

Jun re: Timothy
the psalmist protests to God about their hardships,
I see what you mean, but the psalmist is not so much “protesting” as appealing to God that what he is suffering is unjust. This kind of strong appeal is necessary in prayer. It is what strengthens your faith, and also deepens your relationship with God. Don’t assume that if what you are asking is God’s will, you can just ask once, and it will naturally happen. This is where the “battle of faith” Mukai was somewhat mistakenly writing about, actually comes into play.

I learned that it is important to have fellowship with God in every situation, even in my troubles.
Yes, but often, it is easier to have fellowship with God when we are faced with troubles, because we desperately need and want his help. Usually, it’s when we are doing well and have no pressing needs, that we need to be careful about straying away from God.😅 Even with a vessel as great as David…when was it that he messed up? Before or after his hardships were over?

January 24: Psalm 48-53

In Psalms 50, it says that God had “no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens…Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (v. 8, 14, 15). In other words, God does not want sacrifices as a thoughtless ritual but wants the people to give thanks and honor him. In verses 16 and 17, the psalmist writes about the hypocrisy of the wicked; “What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you.” I learned that like the sacrifices, these Bible readings are not to be done legalistically.

Jun re: Timothy
I learned that like the sacrifices, these Bible readings are not to be done legalistically.
The author of this psalm points out that God has no need for sacrifices, since the whole earth belongs to him. This is something that seems self-evident, but something that we so easily forget. Even the monetary offerings we give, we need to remember that what we are doing is merely giving back a small percentage of what God gave us. The same can be said with Bible reading, or praying, or coming to services, or doing houshi. From God’s perspective, he doesn’t need us to do any of those things. He is God! We are the ones who need to do these things and we are the ones who benefit by doing them.

Did you think about how “burnt” offerings are differentiated from “thank” offerings in this psalm? God says he has no need for “burnt” offerings, but seeks “thank” offerings. What’s the difference? And what do you offer God as your “thank” offering?

A hint can be taken from the next psalm. David says, “my sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” This is a strange expression—isn’t something broken of less value than something whole? Isn’t it better to have (and offer) a healthy, whole spirit and heart, than a broken one? But it seems like God desires a broken one.

In a sense, those who are suffering right now have broken hearts. Those of us, on the other hand, who were “lucky” run the danger of not having broken hearts. (Think about what this means for you.) Let us strive to always offer God broken spirits.


This week’s Bible Reading, I learned in Psalms 49 that you shouldn’t be envious when others grow rich since they are just worldly things that will not last forever. Applying this to my life, when doing something like helping or praying for someone or something, I should do it in a way that pleases God rather than just doing it do say it or to make others feel good about me since that is worldly and it won’t really help since there was no faith in God when doing that.

Jun re: Tomas
Yes, very good, Tomas! I can tell from what you wrote that you really learned this truth by reading this Psalm. Simply doing something “good” is not enough—what matters is the motivation and whether you are doing it to please God, not other people (even the people you are doing it for).

What the author of this psalm (and God) wanted to say was that in the end, all people—rich or poor, even good or bad, wise or foolish, are the same. None of us can take anything with us when we die. Coming home from Suzuki-san’s place yesterday, we drove through the neighborhoods that got the worst of the Eaton fire. People were visiting their “homes” (but really, it was not possible to tell where one home ended and the next began, because everything was reduced to ashes) and trying to salvage anything that survived. It was impossible not to feel pain for what they were going through, and to realize how fortunate we and the other church members were.

But at the same time, this Psalm reminds us that though it seems like we still have our things and homes left, all of us are the same as those who lost everything in the fire. In a sense, we should live the rest of our lives until we die, as if we have already lost everything of value—except for one thing!! The salvation that comes from Jesus’ death and resurrection. This is the only thing we can “take” with us when we die. This is the only thing of value we have on earth. We must let as many people know, for as long as we have breath. Don’t you think so?


From this week’s bible reading I learned from Psalm 49:20 “People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.” I learned that things in this world is useless if you don’t have God’s word. Applying this to my life when I think about all the time when I chasing after just good grades and things, I learned that it isn’t important as I thought through this fire. I learned that through Gods word we are given things that are really important like life. So I want to not go after things like just good grades and material things but to seek God because he’ll provide for my needs and to pass on the blessings I received to my friends and classmates.

Jun re: Emiri
Your lack of specificity in what you write makes me think that you are not writing about things you really thought yourself or understood from reading the Bible, but are trying to write things that maybe you think you should write about. There’s a big difference between the two. If you really did think these things from reading the Bible or from what you experienced in the past few weeks, be more specific and practical in what you say. Your writing should never be something chatGPT could come up with (I’m not just writing to Emiri!).

I learned that it isn’t important as I thought through this fire.
What kind of things did you learn as you “thought through this fire?”

I learned that through Gods word we are given things that are really important like life.
But God gives life to all living beings—regardless of whether they know God’s word or not. What exactly do you mean by the “life” that you receive through God’s word?

and to pass on the blessings I received to my friends and classmates.
So how are you going to do this in reality? What do you have in mind? Since you lived so close to the neighborhoods that were burned in the fire, did you contact your friends and old friends from grade or middle school who may have lost homes or may be going through a hard time because of the fire? Of course, invite them to church (because like I wrote before, what people need most, more than material things, is the hope and strength that comes from God’s word), but also, you can share what you know about all the resources available to them that you and your family are currently benefitting from, or you can even provide more direct help as well, since none of you lost anything in the fire.

Another way you could have “passed on the blessings” is by inviting Timothy and/or Tomas to your hotel in Redondo Beach, and you guys could have enjoyed the pool and the beach, or watching movies in your room since you guys were staying in a really nice hotel. (Whenever juniors/youths had breaks from school, we always tried to schedule fun things to do for you guys, right?) Or you could have invited Hanna over, since her birthday that Yuka had planned was canceled because of the fire.

(I’m not saying you should do these things now—first of all, school is resuming soon, and the time to do it has already passed. Also, doing these things are meaningful only if they come from your heart, not someone else’s heart. But sometimes, I feel I need to provide concrete examples of what I mean by saying “be more specific.” Otherwise, you guys don’t give these things a second thought.)

January 17: Psalm 42-47

In this week’s bible reading I learned from chapters 46:1-2 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [2] Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,” and 42:5 “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” that even through trouble it is important to put my trust in God and praise him since we know that he will save us. This week with the fire there was a lot of things happening but through reading the Bible it gave me the confidence that everything was fine and God would provide for us. I learned more about putting 100% trust in God I feel like I would say I trust in God but it wasn’t doing it but this week taught me to trust in God fully and calling on him.

Jun re: Emiri
Verses like these hit different, when you are actually going through something similar or seeing others close to you suffer, don’t they? Use this as an opportunity to expand your boundaries—everyone’s boundaries in this church are so small. They include mostly only their own family members. Think about how people who don’t know God as you do must be suffering right now, losing in an instant what they worked so hard for many years to build, and not knowing what the future holds. If you go through this experience just thanking God for how fortunate you were, I don’t think God is happy.

In a sense, those of us who were spared such losses, were spared because God expects us to use our resources to help others more, because we need to learn more to give. Just as those who are taken to heaven are taken because their work on earth is done, those who are left on earth are left because we still have work to do.

Let’s think about what that work is.


This week’s Bible reading in Psalms 42, I learned about how even though you feel down, God is still there with you and if you put your faith in him, he will grant what you want. Applying this to my life, in my second semester of 8th grade, I currently am having to work on more assignments, tests, projects, etc… compared to last semester. So whenever I struggle with those things, I should remember that God is with me, and I am able to pray to him everyday for guidance.

Jun re: Tomas
So whenever I struggle with those things, I should remember that God is with me, and I am able to pray to him everyday for guidance.
Guidance for what exactly? Guidance so you can do well in a presentation? Get a good grade? Pass the tests? Try to go beyond that—beyond just thinking about receiving God’s blessings for yourself. Why do you study in the first place? What is your motivation for doing well in academics, or sports, or music?

If your motivation can truly be so you can become a better-equipped vessel for God, then you are Jesus’ co-worker! This doesn’t happen in a day of course (i.e. changing your motivation), but you can start by noticing the difference and wanting to change and grow into someone who wants to be of use to God and other people.



Jun re: むかい



In Psalms 42:1, the psalmist compares his thirst for God to a deer’s thirst for water. To the psalmist, just as water is necessary for life, God is also, expressing a deep, personal relationship with God. Psalms 43:3, 4 says “Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell. Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.” From this, I learned to seek God and his presence. If I seek him, he will guide me to him. Like the psalmist, I want to seek him constantly and to have a personal relationship with God, putting praise and prayer as a part of my life. I need to recognize that God is with me always, and is not a distant and unreachable figure.

Jun re: Timothy
In Psalms 42:1, the psalmist compares his thirst for God to a deer’s thirst for water.
Yes, this verse was especially poignant this week, seeing images of deer running away from the wildfires, and sensing myself how dry the air was before the windstorm came and during the fires as well. Lack of water is of course, one of the main causes of destructive wildfires and the inability to contain them. But as this verse implies, this is not merely a physical phenomenon. The same thing happens in your spiritual reality. When you lack living water that comes from God’s word and from worshipping him on a daily basis, your world becomes very dry spiritually. This can ignite fires that will destroy things much more important than physical homes or possessions. Keeping up with the Bible reading as you guys are doing, is one way you are making sure to water your spiritual garden everyday.💦🌱

If I seek him, he will guide me to him. Like the psalmist, I want to seek him constantly and to have a personal relationship with God, putting praise and prayer as a part of my life.
Good! The fact that you realize this and confessed it by expressing it in your email, is a big step up.🆙 Were you able to stay awake today?😊

I need to recognize that God is with me always, and is not a distant and unreachable figure.
Yes, he is not only not distant or unreachable, but the closest being to you in the whole universe. He knows things about you that even you do not know and cares about every single tear shed, or every little thing that brings your joy. Trust in him.

2024 WBS: Testimony

Tomas’s testimony:
From the 2024 Summer Camp, I learned there is no need to worry about anything as long as you are close to God. For example, over that summer, there was a storm in the Philippines that struck where my grandparents were which flooded the place where they lived. When I heard about this, I was I was really worried and concerned if they were alright. So I prayed about these things and to protect them from the storm. Luckily, they were okay and were even able to come visit us in the United States. So, even though we have our struggles, trust and stay with God and he will help you from what you are dealing with.

Jun re: Tomas
Good, Tomas. I was happy that your grandparents were able to come visit your family, too. I also hope that since you’ve experienced being really worried about them when they lost their home, you will also be able to help, encourage and care for others outside of your family with the same love you feel for your grandparents. What people need most, more than material help, is the hope and power that lives in the word of God, because this is what gives people the strength they need to overcome any trials that come their way. Tell your friends about your best friend–Jesus Christ!


Timothy’s testimony:
During this camp, I learned a lot from the service and doing the skit. We ended our skit by crying out to Jesus, which is something that I had never done before. Despite my initial reluctance, as we practiced throughout camp and heard the sermons, that hesitation quickly went away, since I knew that Jesus heard us and was with us when we called him.
Another thing that I learned was the importance of having desires and believing that God will fulfill them. Before, I would often look at the circumstances and give up on things because they seemed impossible. However, through the messages during camp, I learned that if I continue to believe, God will surely accomplish those desires despite the circumstances; so, just as we called to Jesus in the skit, I will continue to call on him, knowing that he hears me and will fulfill his promises.

Jun re: Timothy
I am (a little) surprised that you’d never called on Jesus’ name until doing it in the skit, but I’m glad that it served as an impetus for you.一回ポッキリにしないことだね!Jesus’ presence is more real than the person standing next to you. I really hope you continue overcoming your reluctance at each service and “practice” calling on Jesus’ name, confessing, shouting “hallelujah, amen, ho!” etc. from your heart when Pastor encourages you guys in the service. If you can do it in the same way you did in the skit (remember the same thing happened in the summer skit? you said you wished you could’ve shouted “Hallelujah, amen, ho!” with everyone else but you couldn’t because of how the play ended), you will grow stronger spiritually this year.

To Everyone:

The giant sequoia trees in Northern California are the largest trees on earth and live for 2,000 to 3,000 years. Do you know how new sequoia trees are born? Through fire. When a fire sweeps through the forest, it burns all the old leaves, needles, smaller trees and bushes near the ground. This does two things: first, it creates an opening overhead for the sunlight and rainwater to fall through, reaching the ground. Secondly, by clearing the ground, the fire allows the sequoia seeds to hit the bare mineral soil to germinate, instead of on top of the bed of dry leaves and needles that usually cover the ground. In addition, the burned debris makes the ground more fertile, providing essential minerals necessary for growth in the spring. Finally, perhaps the most important role of the fire is to heat up the cones in mature sequoia trees, which open up and release their seeds onto the ground. After the fire subsides, winter comes and bury the seeds under snow. When spring arrives, new seedlings sprout in the ideal conditions for them to grow. In years where there were no fires, there were no new sequoia trees.

Let this new year be a season of growth for you. But in order to grow, sometimes you need to pass through fire. (Did you ever think about why the Holy Spirit, whom we often portray as a gentle being, came as fire, not something more comforting?) Fire gets rid of unnecessary things that are hampering your growth. The process is often uncomfortable, sometimes painful and always requires a desire and will on your part to want to grow. It is a decision on your part, to come out of your comfort zone, to not think only about your own blessings, but the needs of others. When your life is over, which will come sooner or later, you will stand alone before God. No one will stand with you. So during this life on earth, it is foolish to let other people hamper your growth. You will have to give an accounting of how you led your life. How many people’s lives did you change for the better? How many people came to know God because of you? This is the only thing that matters.


Emiri’s Testimony:
During this camp I learned that the importance of calling on God. Throughout the camp I learned through the service more about his presence and God answering me under every circumstance. I was able to learn and experience through the skit of Cornelius we did as the juniors about the significance of calling on God.
As the finish/closing of the skit Jun-chan and Masami-sensei said we should cry out “JESUS!” as the theme of the camp was Here am I Call Me!. When we started to practice I was conscious of my surrounding and hesitant but as we practiced and through Masami-sensei and Jun-chan’s guidance, I forget my surroundings and I started to cry out louder. When we did our skit I knew I was calling on Jesus and was filled with Joy. SO I will continue to call on JESUS in every circumstance because I know he will answers me.

Jun re: Emiri
Ok, good, Emiri. You grew up through the camp and doing the skit (and cleaning Suzuki-san’s house before camp😂)! Don’t let calling on Jesus’ name be a one-and-done thing, but build upon what you learned through this experience of calling on his name by continuing to do it in your personal life. When you call on Jesus’ name in the worship service (repeating after Pastor) or doing the confessions, do it with the same heart and boldness as you did in the skit. You can do this if you become more conscious of Jesus’ presence, rather than the people around you.




Jun re: むかい


December 20: Psalm 37-41

In this week’s bible reading I learned from Psalms 37:1 “Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong;” and 3, “Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” The do not fret and Trust in the LORD part stood out to me since this week I had finals, especially during my Euro final I was iffy on the DBQ as it was on a broad subject that we didn’t go over very much in class, so when I got the documents I wasn’t sure where to begin. But when I started answering each part I began to remember what we learned and that led on to the next answer. I learned that it is important to not worry and trust in God and he would lead me through the problem.

Jun re: Emiri
I learned that it is important to not worry and trust in God and he would lead me through the problem.
Most of your applications are about how you were able to do your homework or pass tests by trusting God. First of all, know that the curriculum is designed for you guys to pass! Secondly, if God is such a necessary part of being able to get through your academic life, are you sharing that truth with your classmates?

Did any of these verses in chapter 40 speak to you? Verses 9-10: “I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly” (not just privately in my heart or prayers) “I do not seal my lips, Lord, as you know. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly.”

If God helps you or you receive blessings, he requires that all the glory be given back to him (e.g. if classmates or teachers commend you, how do you respond? how do you act?) and that you share what you receive with those around you.



Jun re: むかい


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how God helps us when we put our trust in him in Psalms 37. Applying this to my life, I had a lot of things due today such as my history project, science project, as well as a test for math. Before this, I prayed to God when I worked on all of these things and when working on them and studying, the work felt easier and short even though it was a lot.

Jun re:  Tomas
Ok, good Tomas. Please read my reply to Emiri (although if you can, read my other replies as well—they will help you grow into a strong adult Christian). She wrote a similar thing to you from Psalm 37.

Also, keep in mind that the “trust in the Lord” in Psalm 37 is specifically talking about continuing to do good (even to those who don’t deserve it or act badly towards you, etc.) and to stay righteous despite all the wicked people in this world who succeed and flourish. It is not just a generic “trust in God” when you need his help, and he will help you. Do you see the difference?

I’m not saying your or Emiri’s application is wrong, just that it’s on a very different level. This is also a good example of how one simple truth has many, many layers (the truth here being what “trust in God” means) and I want you guys to be able to dig deeper. The deeper you are able to dig, the more stable your faith will be even when troubles come.


詩編‬ ‭41‬:‭2‬〜4‬の弱いものへの思いやりがあることを言った箇所が最近のメッセージの内容に合っていて面白かった。災が降りかかった時に、神様はそのような人を助けてくれる。自分のクラスだけのことを考えずに、他のクラスのことも考えて、昔同じクラスだった人のことも気にかけえ

Jun re: よしや
詩編‬ ‭41‬:‭2‬〜4‬の弱いものへの思いやりがあることを言った箇所が最近のメッセージの内容に合っていて面白かった。
Yes, good! 私も同じ節に目が止まりました。災いが降りかかった時(これも大事な真理です:正しいクリスチャンにも、災いは来ます。理由はサタンがまだ世の中を支配してるからです。災いがきた時、どのように乗り越えるかが、神の栄光を表します。良い戦いをするための、今こうして、聖書通読やったりして訓練してます。)災いが降りかかった時、神様が絶対に助けてくれると信じる信仰が持てる秘訣は、強く長く祈ることや、断食することとかよりも、それまで、弱いものへの思いやりを持って生きてきたかどうか、ということです。(また、そういう生き方をしてきた人は、たくさん人のために祈ってきた人ですけどね!😆災いがきた途端に祈ろうとしても、できないですし、効果少ないです。)



In Psalms 37:25-26 (“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing.”) I learned that I need to give more and not be stingy. I need to care for the people around me, and although there is not much for me to give, I can do small things like, in school, taking time to help a friend with an assignment or something. And even if I feel that I can be spending the time doing something else, like studying for a test, I will be fine because God is with me. I also thought that I need to focus more during the service to learn more about God and love.

Jun re: Timothy
Good application, Timothy. It’s good you didn’t just write that you learned to “trust in the Lord” from Psalm 37. Giving generously and not being stingy is a practical application of what it means to trust in the Lord. It is when you start taking these actions (however small they may be), that you can start to have faith that God will actually do the things you ask for when you need his help or you have some kind of desire.

And even if I feel that I can be spending the time doing something else, like studying for a test, I will be fine because God is with me.

I also thought that I need to focus more during the service to learn more about God and love.
Yes, and don’t think that the worship service is only about studying God’s word more. In fact, the most important thing is to actually “worship” him. This comes before studying. Worship means giving thanks, giving honor, giving praise to God. So we need to start with putting 100% of our hearts into praising God through song, through confessions, through praying. Without doing these things, God’s word cannot enter our hearts, because it is not like academic study, where you can just use your brains to understand the material and pass the class.