1/11(土曜日)Sport’s Club
Location: Victory Park
Sport: Football and Frisbee
We started off with football, practicing passing and then moved onto a game (we did the same with frisbee). We did “routes” (a quarterback throws the football to the person on offense while someone on defense is guarding them) and a 2v2 game with frisbee. Since the air quality has not been great, I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to run, so, I originally made the games walking instead of running (ex. Walking football/frisbee). However, it seemed like the air was breathable and everyone was ok with running, so I just changed it to the regular versions of each game (with running). Everything went well.
1/11(土曜日)聖日礼拝 / Victory Park
イートン山火事の被害により教会の建物が無くなりました。1/11(土)聖日礼拝は、パサデナのVictory Parkで行いました。現在、新しい礼拝場所を探してますが、今週も引き続き、Victory Parkにて礼拝予定です。礼拝時間等の詳細は、後日アップデート致します。
キッズクラブレポート 1/11
2024 WBS: Testimony
Tomas’s testimony:
From the 2024 Summer Camp, I learned there is no need to worry about anything as long as you are close to God. For example, over that summer, there was a storm in the Philippines that struck where my grandparents were which flooded the place where they lived. When I heard about this, I was I was really worried and concerned if they were alright. So I prayed about these things and to protect them from the storm. Luckily, they were okay and were even able to come visit us in the United States. So, even though we have our struggles, trust and stay with God and he will help you from what you are dealing with.
Jun re: Tomas
Good, Tomas. I was happy that your grandparents were able to come visit your family, too. I also hope that since you’ve experienced being really worried about them when they lost their home, you will also be able to help, encourage and care for others outside of your family with the same love you feel for your grandparents. What people need most, more than material help, is the hope and power that lives in the word of God, because this is what gives people the strength they need to overcome any trials that come their way. Tell your friends about your best friend–Jesus Christ!
Timothy’s testimony:
During this camp, I learned a lot from the service and doing the skit. We ended our skit by crying out to Jesus, which is something that I had never done before. Despite my initial reluctance, as we practiced throughout camp and heard the sermons, that hesitation quickly went away, since I knew that Jesus heard us and was with us when we called him.
Another thing that I learned was the importance of having desires and believing that God will fulfill them. Before, I would often look at the circumstances and give up on things because they seemed impossible. However, through the messages during camp, I learned that if I continue to believe, God will surely accomplish those desires despite the circumstances; so, just as we called to Jesus in the skit, I will continue to call on him, knowing that he hears me and will fulfill his promises.
Jun re: Timothy
I am (a little) surprised that you’d never called on Jesus’ name until doing it in the skit, but I’m glad that it served as an impetus for you.一回ポッキリにしないことだね!Jesus’ presence is more real than the person standing next to you. I really hope you continue overcoming your reluctance at each service and “practice” calling on Jesus’ name, confessing, shouting “hallelujah, amen, ho!” etc. from your heart when Pastor encourages you guys in the service. If you can do it in the same way you did in the skit (remember the same thing happened in the summer skit? you said you wished you could’ve shouted “Hallelujah, amen, ho!” with everyone else but you couldn’t because of how the play ended), you will grow stronger spiritually this year.
To Everyone:
The giant sequoia trees in Northern California are the largest trees on earth and live for 2,000 to 3,000 years. Do you know how new sequoia trees are born? Through fire. When a fire sweeps through the forest, it burns all the old leaves, needles, smaller trees and bushes near the ground. This does two things: first, it creates an opening overhead for the sunlight and rainwater to fall through, reaching the ground. Secondly, by clearing the ground, the fire allows the sequoia seeds to hit the bare mineral soil to germinate, instead of on top of the bed of dry leaves and needles that usually cover the ground. In addition, the burned debris makes the ground more fertile, providing essential minerals necessary for growth in the spring. Finally, perhaps the most important role of the fire is to heat up the cones in mature sequoia trees, which open up and release their seeds onto the ground. After the fire subsides, winter comes and bury the seeds under snow. When spring arrives, new seedlings sprout in the ideal conditions for them to grow. In years where there were no fires, there were no new sequoia trees.
Let this new year be a season of growth for you. But in order to grow, sometimes you need to pass through fire. (Did you ever think about why the Holy Spirit, whom we often portray as a gentle being, came as fire, not something more comforting?) Fire gets rid of unnecessary things that are hampering your growth. The process is often uncomfortable, sometimes painful and always requires a desire and will on your part to want to grow. It is a decision on your part, to come out of your comfort zone, to not think only about your own blessings, but the needs of others. When your life is over, which will come sooner or later, you will stand alone before God. No one will stand with you. So during this life on earth, it is foolish to let other people hamper your growth. You will have to give an accounting of how you led your life. How many people’s lives did you change for the better? How many people came to know God because of you? This is the only thing that matters.
Emiri’s Testimony:
During this camp I learned that the importance of calling on God. Throughout the camp I learned through the service more about his presence and God answering me under every circumstance. I was able to learn and experience through the skit of Cornelius we did as the juniors about the significance of calling on God.
As the finish/closing of the skit Jun-chan and Masami-sensei said we should cry out “JESUS!” as the theme of the camp was Here am I Call Me!. When we started to practice I was conscious of my surrounding and hesitant but as we practiced and through Masami-sensei and Jun-chan’s guidance, I forget my surroundings and I started to cry out louder. When we did our skit I knew I was calling on Jesus and was filled with Joy. SO I will continue to call on JESUS in every circumstance because I know he will answers me.
Jun re: Emiri
Ok, good, Emiri. You grew up through the camp and doing the skit (and cleaning Suzuki-san’s house before camp😂)! Don’t let calling on Jesus’ name be a one-and-done thing, but build upon what you learned through this experience of calling on his name by continuing to do it in your personal life. When you call on Jesus’ name in the worship service (repeating after Pastor) or doing the confessions, do it with the same heart and boldness as you did in the skit. You can do this if you become more conscious of Jesus’ presence, rather than the people around you.
Jun re: むかい