
1/11(土曜日)Sport’s Club

Location: Victory Park
Sport: Football and Frisbee

We started off with football, practicing passing and then moved onto a game (we did the same with frisbee). We did “routes” (a quarterback throws the football to the person on offense while someone on defense is guarding them) and a 2v2 game with frisbee. Since the air quality has not been great, I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to run, so, I originally made the games walking instead of running (ex. Walking football/frisbee). However, it seemed like the air was breathable and everyone was ok with running, so I just changed it to the regular versions of each game (with running). Everything went well.

1/11(土曜日)聖日礼拝 / Victory Park

イートン山火事の被害により教会の建物が無くなりました。1/11(土)聖日礼拝は、パサデナのVictory Parkで行いました。現在、新しい礼拝場所を探してますが、今週も引き続き、Victory Parkにて礼拝予定です。礼拝時間等の詳細は、後日アップデート致します。