1月24日 オンラインシェア報告(福岡・横浜支部礼拝所)
1/26(日曜日)教会学校のリポート&写真 / 教会員宅にて
Today me and Akari taught Esther and Yui. We read Genesis 22, focusing on Abraham being faithful to God even though it meant sacrificing his son Isaac. My main point in todays lesson was to have faith and obedience in God and also that Abraham and Isaac’s story is related to God the father and Jesus Christ. Akari was able to expand and explain in better detail about the relationship between Abraham, Isaac and God the father with Jesus. At the end of the lesson we had Esther and Yui apply the lesson to their own lives. Yui talked about one her teachers that had told her to be more sociable, Akari told her to be sociable for the right reasons and that she should focus on spreading Gods glory. Esther applied it to her life by talking about opening her home with a open heart.Both Esther and Yui behaved very well, the only thing I think they could improve on is to have more confidence when answering questions and to make sure to apply the lessons in a less vague way. Overall the lesson went very well and they both behaved very well.
Today, I taught James. We read the story of Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-34). While reading the passage, I would stop at the main events (e.g., the storm, Peter walking on water, Peter sinking, Jesus saving Peter, and the disciples arriving on land) and discuss with James what was going on. I would then apply the story to a modern day scenario with the storm representing tough/difficult times in life and explain how God is always with us in everything. We discussed all sorts of things such as whether bad things happen to people because God punishes them or whether it is a consequence of their own actions. I expressed my belief that God does not punish, instead, it is the actions of human beings through their use of free will that leads to bad things happening. Although God is in control, he will sometimes allow these things to happen order to teach and help people understand the consequences of their actions. Nevertheless, he will never put someone through something that they cannot bear. In response to this, James considered this a type of punishment. The main point that I wanted to teach him is that God is always with us in every part of our lives, especially during difficult times. We should always trust in this fact and know that he will bring us through. However, when we stop looking at God and begin to look at the circumstances, we will sink, like Peter. Even so, God will still be there to pick us out of the water and carry us through. And, in the end, like the disciples, we will make it through on the other side. Overall, James’ behavior was not bad. He was a bit giggly, so there were a few times where I had to tell him to focus, but, other than that, he was good. We ended around 10:00. The other classes seemed to finish around the same time as well, so, they all went outside to play for the rest of the time. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures, but, I believe Akari and Timothy took some, so, I will ask them to send what they took.
I taught Juri and Minori with Hiyori today, and we started off by reading Luke 10: 25-37 in Japanese. Then, Hiyori taught them about having the heart of compassion and wanting to help those in need like the good Samaritan. She told them they can have a heart of compassion towards the people around them, such as their sisters or their friends at church & school. She also taught them that Jesus represents the good Samaritan. I gave them an example of how they can be compassionate towards their classmates, especially those who suffered from the Eaton Fire, just by greeting them with a smile and talking to them. We then read 1 Samuel 17, and we read verses 1-10 and then jumped to verse 25. We then ran out of time, so we let them play outside in Suzuki-san’s backyard. They were both well-behaved.
1/26(日曜日)聖日礼拝 / 教会員宅にて
January 24: Psalm 48-53
In Psalms 50, it says that God had “no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens…Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (v. 8, 14, 15). In other words, God does not want sacrifices as a thoughtless ritual but wants the people to give thanks and honor him. In verses 16 and 17, the psalmist writes about the hypocrisy of the wicked; “What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you.” I learned that like the sacrifices, these Bible readings are not to be done legalistically.
Jun re: Timothy
I learned that like the sacrifices, these Bible readings are not to be done legalistically.
The author of this psalm points out that God has no need for sacrifices, since the whole earth belongs to him. This is something that seems self-evident, but something that we so easily forget. Even the monetary offerings we give, we need to remember that what we are doing is merely giving back a small percentage of what God gave us. The same can be said with Bible reading, or praying, or coming to services, or doing houshi. From God’s perspective, he doesn’t need us to do any of those things. He is God! We are the ones who need to do these things and we are the ones who benefit by doing them.
Did you think about how “burnt” offerings are differentiated from “thank” offerings in this psalm? God says he has no need for “burnt” offerings, but seeks “thank” offerings. What’s the difference? And what do you offer God as your “thank” offering?
A hint can be taken from the next psalm. David says, “my sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” This is a strange expression—isn’t something broken of less value than something whole? Isn’t it better to have (and offer) a healthy, whole spirit and heart, than a broken one? But it seems like God desires a broken one.
In a sense, those who are suffering right now have broken hearts. Those of us, on the other hand, who were “lucky” run the danger of not having broken hearts. (Think about what this means for you.) Let us strive to always offer God broken spirits.
This week’s Bible Reading, I learned in Psalms 49 that you shouldn’t be envious when others grow rich since they are just worldly things that will not last forever. Applying this to my life, when doing something like helping or praying for someone or something, I should do it in a way that pleases God rather than just doing it do say it or to make others feel good about me since that is worldly and it won’t really help since there was no faith in God when doing that.
Jun re: Tomas
Yes, very good, Tomas! I can tell from what you wrote that you really learned this truth by reading this Psalm. Simply doing something “good” is not enough—what matters is the motivation and whether you are doing it to please God, not other people (even the people you are doing it for).
What the author of this psalm (and God) wanted to say was that in the end, all people—rich or poor, even good or bad, wise or foolish, are the same. None of us can take anything with us when we die. Coming home from Suzuki-san’s place yesterday, we drove through the neighborhoods that got the worst of the Eaton fire. People were visiting their “homes” (but really, it was not possible to tell where one home ended and the next began, because everything was reduced to ashes) and trying to salvage anything that survived. It was impossible not to feel pain for what they were going through, and to realize how fortunate we and the other church members were.
But at the same time, this Psalm reminds us that though it seems like we still have our things and homes left, all of us are the same as those who lost everything in the fire. In a sense, we should live the rest of our lives until we die, as if we have already lost everything of value—except for one thing!! The salvation that comes from Jesus’ death and resurrection. This is the only thing we can “take” with us when we die. This is the only thing of value we have on earth. We must let as many people know, for as long as we have breath. Don’t you think so?
From this week’s bible reading I learned from Psalm 49:20 “People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.” I learned that things in this world is useless if you don’t have God’s word. Applying this to my life when I think about all the time when I chasing after just good grades and things, I learned that it isn’t important as I thought through this fire. I learned that through Gods word we are given things that are really important like life. So I want to not go after things like just good grades and material things but to seek God because he’ll provide for my needs and to pass on the blessings I received to my friends and classmates.
Jun re: Emiri
Your lack of specificity in what you write makes me think that you are not writing about things you really thought yourself or understood from reading the Bible, but are trying to write things that maybe you think you should write about. There’s a big difference between the two. If you really did think these things from reading the Bible or from what you experienced in the past few weeks, be more specific and practical in what you say. Your writing should never be something chatGPT could come up with (I’m not just writing to Emiri!).
I learned that it isn’t important as I thought through this fire.
What kind of things did you learn as you “thought through this fire?”
I learned that through Gods word we are given things that are really important like life.
But God gives life to all living beings—regardless of whether they know God’s word or not. What exactly do you mean by the “life” that you receive through God’s word?
and to pass on the blessings I received to my friends and classmates.
So how are you going to do this in reality? What do you have in mind? Since you lived so close to the neighborhoods that were burned in the fire, did you contact your friends and old friends from grade or middle school who may have lost homes or may be going through a hard time because of the fire? Of course, invite them to church (because like I wrote before, what people need most, more than material things, is the hope and strength that comes from God’s word), but also, you can share what you know about all the resources available to them that you and your family are currently benefitting from, or you can even provide more direct help as well, since none of you lost anything in the fire.
Another way you could have “passed on the blessings” is by inviting Timothy and/or Tomas to your hotel in Redondo Beach, and you guys could have enjoyed the pool and the beach, or watching movies in your room since you guys were staying in a really nice hotel. (Whenever juniors/youths had breaks from school, we always tried to schedule fun things to do for you guys, right?) Or you could have invited Hanna over, since her birthday that Yuka had planned was canceled because of the fire.
(I’m not saying you should do these things now—first of all, school is resuming soon, and the time to do it has already passed. Also, doing these things are meaningful only if they come from your heart, not someone else’s heart. But sometimes, I feel I need to provide concrete examples of what I mean by saying “be more specific.” Otherwise, you guys don’t give these things a second thought.)
1/20 オンラインシェア(ロサンゼルス&バンクーバ)
ロス:レベッカ バンクーバー:ナオミ
メッセージから 哀れみの心を閉ざすこと、自分の意思である。私にとっては、自分の意思を環境のせいにしない、神様の御心に合わせること。私たち一人ひとりができること、そしてすべきことを、イエス様の愛に基づいて行っていくこと。一番心に残ったのは、霊的な必要を満たそうとする人が少ないということ。哀れみの心を閉ざすことに慣れてしまった現代社会。私もそのひとりである。そのために霊の目がもっと開かれるように。自分に与えられた存在意義を考える。聖書のことばを通して、永遠の希望を伝える。神に祈りつつ、具的な支援や行動を起こす。悲しみの中にも、神が与えてくださる希望と喜びがある。すべてのことを益としてくださる神様と歩みつつ。人の痛みはそれぞれに違うもの、でも決してそれをtake adantageする機会ではなく、謙遜さを忘れず、与えられたものをシャアする。神様はどんな時でも良き神様。