December 20: Psalm 37-41
In this week’s bible reading I learned from Psalms 37:1 “Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong;” and 3, “Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” The do not fret and Trust in the LORD part stood out to me since this week I had finals, especially during my Euro final I was iffy on the DBQ as it was on a broad subject that we didn’t go over very much in class, so when I got the documents I wasn’t sure where to begin. But when I started answering each part I began to remember what we learned and that led on to the next answer. I learned that it is important to not worry and trust in God and he would lead me through the problem.
Jun re: Emiri
I learned that it is important to not worry and trust in God and he would lead me through the problem.
Most of your applications are about how you were able to do your homework or pass tests by trusting God. First of all, know that the curriculum is designed for you guys to pass! Secondly, if God is such a necessary part of being able to get through your academic life, are you sharing that truth with your classmates?
Did any of these verses in chapter 40 speak to you? Verses 9-10: “I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly” (not just privately in my heart or prayers) “I do not seal my lips, Lord, as you know. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly.”
If God helps you or you receive blessings, he requires that all the glory be given back to him (e.g. if classmates or teachers commend you, how do you respond? how do you act?) and that you share what you receive with those around you.
Jun re: むかい
This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how God helps us when we put our trust in him in Psalms 37. Applying this to my life, I had a lot of things due today such as my history project, science project, as well as a test for math. Before this, I prayed to God when I worked on all of these things and when working on them and studying, the work felt easier and short even though it was a lot.
Jun re: Tomas
Ok, good Tomas. Please read my reply to Emiri (although if you can, read my other replies as well—they will help you grow into a strong adult Christian). She wrote a similar thing to you from Psalm 37.
Also, keep in mind that the “trust in the Lord” in Psalm 37 is specifically talking about continuing to do good (even to those who don’t deserve it or act badly towards you, etc.) and to stay righteous despite all the wicked people in this world who succeed and flourish. It is not just a generic “trust in God” when you need his help, and he will help you. Do you see the difference?
I’m not saying your or Emiri’s application is wrong, just that it’s on a very different level. This is also a good example of how one simple truth has many, many layers (the truth here being what “trust in God” means) and I want you guys to be able to dig deeper. The deeper you are able to dig, the more stable your faith will be even when troubles come.
詩編 41:2〜4の弱いものへの思いやりがあることを言った箇所が最近のメッセージの内容に合っていて面白かった。災が降りかかった時に、神様はそのような人を助けてくれる。自分のクラスだけのことを考えずに、他のクラスのことも考えて、昔同じクラスだった人のことも気にかけえ
Jun re: よしや
詩編 41:2〜4の弱いものへの思いやりがあることを言った箇所が最近のメッセージの内容に合っていて面白かった。
Yes, good! 私も同じ節に目が止まりました。災いが降りかかった時(これも大事な真理です:正しいクリスチャンにも、災いは来ます。理由はサタンがまだ世の中を支配してるからです。災いがきた時、どのように乗り越えるかが、神の栄光を表します。良い戦いをするための、今こうして、聖書通読やったりして訓練してます。)災いが降りかかった時、神様が絶対に助けてくれると信じる信仰が持てる秘訣は、強く長く祈ることや、断食することとかよりも、それまで、弱いものへの思いやりを持って生きてきたかどうか、ということです。(また、そういう生き方をしてきた人は、たくさん人のために祈ってきた人ですけどね!😆災いがきた途端に祈ろうとしても、できないですし、効果少ないです。)
In Psalms 37:25-26 (“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing.”) I learned that I need to give more and not be stingy. I need to care for the people around me, and although there is not much for me to give, I can do small things like, in school, taking time to help a friend with an assignment or something. And even if I feel that I can be spending the time doing something else, like studying for a test, I will be fine because God is with me. I also thought that I need to focus more during the service to learn more about God and love.
Jun re: Timothy
Good application, Timothy. It’s good you didn’t just write that you learned to “trust in the Lord” from Psalm 37. Giving generously and not being stingy is a practical application of what it means to trust in the Lord. It is when you start taking these actions (however small they may be), that you can start to have faith that God will actually do the things you ask for when you need his help or you have some kind of desire.
And even if I feel that I can be spending the time doing something else, like studying for a test, I will be fine because God is with me.
I also thought that I need to focus more during the service to learn more about God and love.
Yes, and don’t think that the worship service is only about studying God’s word more. In fact, the most important thing is to actually “worship” him. This comes before studying. Worship means giving thanks, giving honor, giving praise to God. So we need to start with putting 100% of our hearts into praising God through song, through confessions, through praying. Without doing these things, God’s word cannot enter our hearts, because it is not like academic study, where you can just use your brains to understand the material and pass the class.