
November 1: Job 38-42



Jun re:むかい





In this week’s bible reading Job realizes how small we are compared to God and humbles himself. Applying this to my life, this week in yearbook my teammate deleted all the progress I made over the weekend without a word which made me angry. When I asked her why she had changed the whole page she blamed me for not communicating with her. She was absent on Monday and the team already discussed the page, this annoyed me even more. However, when I read how small and vulnerable we are to God I realized that this wasn’t a big issue as I had felt and I shouldn’t get mad or annoyed because of it. In the end, we agreed on how to format the page and which pictures we should go with another discussion.


Jun re: Emiri
I shouldn’t get mad or annoyed because of it. In the end, we agreed on how to format the page and which pictures we should go with another discussion.
Ok, but did you tell her how she shouldn’t have deleted your work and also how she essentially gave up her right to make decisions since she was absent when the team discussed the page? Humbling yourself doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you. The important part is to humble yourself under God (first), not under other people. In this case, you can be a light to her only if you make her aware of her wrongs, not by being silent.

Job wasn’t afraid to speak up against his friends when they were wrongly accusing him. In the end, he humbled himself only under God. Similarly to what I said about your application a couple of weeks ago about being more patient with Juri, be careful not to substitute God for other people.

This week’s Bible reading, I learned about Job humbled himself to God. Applying this to my life, I should be like Job and be humble in what I do. For example, when we have team sports during P.E., I should help lead the people in my group but also do this in a way that doesn’t include getting annoyed at them or making them mad at me. Also in my science work when my partner doesn’t really do work, I should also tell him what to do and make him be on task but not in a way that makes them feel annoyed at me.


Jun re: Tomas
I should help lead the people in my group but also do this in a way that doesn’t include getting annoyed at them or making them mad at me.
🤣Yes, certainly, we should strive to lead people in a way that will not make them annoyed or mad! First and foremost, try to think of yourself as a Christian ambassador (rather than simply a student, or “leader,” or athlete). If you are thinking first and foremost about winning (in sports) or getting a good grade (in academics), or simply getting the work done as fast as possible, you might end up being annoyed when people don’t listen or don’t hold up their part of the work.

But if you can think of yourself as an ambassador for Christ (aware that when people see you, they are seeing you as someone who represents what a Christian should be), you can speak and act with patience and God will give you the wisdom necessary to lead the group.

Also, the best way to lead is to lead by example (not by words)! Make sure you are always giving 100% and doing your best work, and people will follow.

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