In this week’s bible reading I was reminded that God is with you whenever and wherever you are and will guide and help you. Applying this to my life this week I had a pretty big project for my history class and my was a bit worried about it since I couldn’t find the answers to the questions I had for my research, I was finished with the other requirements but it took a long time looking for the information. I was rushing as I needed to finish it by the next day but after a little break I was able to continue my research and I started to find answers to my research more in depth then before and I was able to finish the project from there in no time. Afterwards when I read the Bible I realized that God led me to the answer and I just needed to rely on God not myself.
Jun re: Emiri
Ok. Like I wrote to Tomas last week, don’t forget that as someone who knows God is with you and will help you, you have a responsibility to share this good news with the people around you. If we spend our whole lives just using those privileges for our own needs and desires, Jesus will be very sad.
If you guys want to grow up spiritually, don’t read the Bible just thinking about “what does the Bible say God will do for me?” but think more about “what does the Bible say I can (or should) do for God and others?” For example, in Psalm 9, sure, it says “the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” But it also says, “I will tell of all your wonderful deeds…proclaim among the nations what he has done…have mercy and lift me up from the gates of death, that I may declare your praises.” In a sense, it is implying that if we do not declare God’s praises (to the people around us), if we are silent about the help and blessings we’ve received, God cannot continue to rescue us when we call for him. We were rescued first (before the non-Christians around us), so that we can let God’s praises be known to them, right?
Jun re: むかい
「あなたの天を、あなたの指の業を わたしは仰ぎます。 月も、星も、あなたが配置なさったもの。 そのあなたが御心に留めてくださるとは 人間は何ものなのでしょう。 人の子は何ものなのでしょう あなたが顧みてくださるとは。」と言う言葉が印象的だった。この世界は神様によって造られ、人は神様の姿に似せられて造られた。その世界の中で、神様が人間に目を留めてくださるということは、とてもすごいことだと思った。神様が造られた自然はとてもよく出来ている。生物で人間の体の仕組みについてやった。まるで精密機械のように働いていることがわかり、特に肝臓が印象的だった。何千億もの細胞がひしめき合ってるのにも関わらず、機能しているのはまさに神様のわざだと思った。神様は人間にひとり子をおくられた。神様の愛を受け入れることが最も大事だと思う。
Jun re: よしや
This week’s Bible reading focused heavily on God’s righteousness; he will help the needy and judge the wicked. 10:4, says “In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” This verse highlights how the wicked ignores God and that “there is no room” for him. Applying this to my life, I need to start reading the Bible everyday so that I keep God in my everyday life (I read it all on Friday).
Jun re: Timothy
Bonus points for honesty!
But I hope you will actually look forward to reading the Bible everyday, instead of it being a chore. Personally, I recommend doing it first thing in the morning, before you do anything else.
Bible passage this week? Did you guys discuss on Saturday?