
March 14: Psalm 85-89

In this week’s bible reading from Psalm 86:6-7“Hear my prayer, LORD; listen to my cry for mercy. [7] When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.“ I learned about how much God hears us through trouble and saves us. This week we had a yearbook deadline. 2 other girls and I had to collect all the sports team pictures at our school by today. We asked the coaches first but they didn’t respond so we emailed and texted all the sports captains we knew. On the first day few days we didn’t get any responses, so I was a bit worried about it, but throughout the week when I read the Bible I was reminded that it would be fine and it was. Yesterday in class, we got a reply from all the teams and people who weren’t related helped us by talking to their friends and today we were able to get all the pictures.

Jun re: Emiri

You have done a good job with turning in these reports faithfully, 💯 percent on time. God surely remembers your faithfulness in the little things!💖

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