House Church

During the week, church members hold house churches in their homes. We read and study the Bible with each other as well as pray for our problems and needs in fellowship.Anyone can participate freely. Please check your local house church page for more information.


We gather at 5pm, Saturday. We share what we learned from the service and prayer requests. We pray for each other with thanksgiving for the forgiveness, love, and hope we received through Jesus. Everybody is welcome.


Welcome to our house church!
We gather weekly at our house church to praise, pray together, and learn about God and ourselves through the Word of the Bible, and the Word becomes life and the Word works with power in our real lives.If you are looking for a church or interested in, anyone is welcome! Please feel free to contact us.

Diamond Bar

Housewives gather together to read the Bible and watch online sermons. We also have time to share worries and problems with raising children, and we also have a prayer time. Anyone is welcome. Please join us!

Diamond Bar

Parents and children (in their 20s) have a Bible reading time and share what they learned from the sermon. We welcome young people, students, and anyone interested in the Bible and Jesus Christ. Conducted in both Japanese and English.

San Gabriel

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters. (Isaiah 55:1)”
We are a mother and daughter duo, and another member joins from Thousand Oaks via Zoom. Every Saturday we sing praises with a guitar, read the Bible, and pray together. Would you like to read the Bible with us? We welcome you!

Rancho Palos Verdes

The Bible says: God is love (1 John 4:16).
So we want to share that love with you as we sing praises to God, share with each other what we have come to know about His love in our church, Davar Kingdom of God, and pray together. We meet every Saturday afternoon at 5:00PM at the following address. If you are interested, you are welcome.

Sierra Madre

We read the Bible one to two chapters at a time. We encourage each other by sharing what we learned from Sunday worship and what happened during the week.


In our house church, we sing praises with guitars and ukuleles, read bible scriptures, share what we learned, and have a time of prayer together. All are welcome!

North Vancouver(Canada)

Would you like to read the Bible together?
We praise God, pray, and read three to four chapters of the Bible. Then, we enjoy tea time together.

Yokohama (Japan)

Let’s read the Bible together! We meet in small groups and have time for praise, Bible reading, and prayer. We also lend out Bibles. First-time participants are also very welcome.