2750 New York Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107

Advanced Bible Study

Rev. Toru Asai

Halleluiah! Amen! Ho! No. 05

“Halleluiah!” E
Scriptures: Ps 126, Jer 29, etc.

Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers on earth,
young men and maidens, old men and youths.
Let them praise (yehalelu)
the name of the LORD (yahweh),
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is upon the earth and the heavens。
He has raised up (weyyerem) a horn for his people (‘amo),
the praise
for all his saints (chasidav),
for sons of Israel (beni israel),
the people close to him (‘am qerovo).
Haleluiah (halelu-yah) (v. 14).

Two things are noteworthy about this last verse, v. 14:

1. “A horn” and “praise” are in apposition: in other words, the praise people give to the Lord is like a horn, and the Lord raises their praise like a horn.

2. As for those whose praise the Lord raises up like a horn, the following people are listed in apposition:
a) “His people (‘amo)”: the people who belong to the Lord, who have made the Lord their God through the covenant with him (see Exodus 6:7; Hosea 1:9).

b) “All his faithful ones (chasidav)”: those who faithfully keep his commandments by loving him and are merciful to neighbors as the Lord is (cf. Ps 18:25, 31:23)

c) “The sons of Israel (benei israel)”: the people who were brought out of Egypt into the Promised Land as his heirs, among whom the Lord dwells (cf. Josh 4:5, 1 Kgs 6:13, etc.).

d) “People close to him (‘am qerovo)”: The people to whom his word was given as Law and live in his wisdom, serving as priests who approach and serve the Lord in the temple (cf. Deut 4:7, Ezek 42:13).

Advanced Bible Study

Halleluiah! Amen! Ho! No. 04

“Halleluiah!” D Scriptures: Ps 148, 75, etc. Praise the LORD from (in) the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and smoke, storm wind

Halleluiah! Amen! Ho! No. 03

“Halleluiah!” C Scriptures: Isa 6, Num 16, etc. Praise the LORD from (in) the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and smoke, storm

Halleluiah! Amen! Ho! No. 02

“Halleluiah!” B Scriptures: Ps 148, Isa 6, etc. Halleluiah (halelu-yah). Praise (halelu) the LORD (Yahweh) from (in) the heavens, Praise him (halelu-hu) in the heights above. Praise him (halelu-hu), all

Halleluiah! Amen! Ho! No. 01

“Halleluiah!” A Scriptures: Ps 148, Rom 1, etc. Halleluiah (halelu-yah). Praise (halelu) the LORD (Yahweh) from (in) the heavens, Praise him (halelu-hu) in the heights above. Praise him (halelu-hu), all

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