L.A., Nagoya, Fukuoka Juniors’ Bible Reading with Jun

February 28: Psalm 75-79

This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how even though God brings blessings to his people, they still disobey him in Psalms 78. Applying this to my life, God gives me talents like running. And I shouldn’t use it in a way to benefit myself, but in a way were I should please God by using that talent and offering it to God by telling what talent I have is from God.

Jun re: Tomas
And I shouldn’t use it in a way to benefit myself, but in a way were I should please God by using that talent and offering it to God by telling what talent I have is from God.
Can you be more specific? What is an example of using running in a “way to benefit yourself” vs. the “way where you use that talent to please God?” Sure, you can tell people your talent is from God, but just saying that can come off as sounding a little arrogant depending on the situation, how you say it, etc., right? So how can you be a good witness for Christ (and this applies not just to running but to all areas of your life)?


In this week’s bible reading from Psalm 78:4 “We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” it made me realize the importance of sharing the good things God has done for me to the people around me. Applying this to my life tomorrow when I go pass out the flyers I want to go with this in mind and not just because my family is going. Also in my everyday life when I’m at school, to my friends and people I talk to in club I want to share more about the good things that happened to me through the church.

What stood out to me in this week’s Bible reading was Psalms 78. The Israelites did not desire a personal relationship with God, but only material blessing. It says, “Human beings ate the bread of angels” (v. 25) but “In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; in spite of his wonders, they did not believe.” (v. 32). Althouhg they were already blessed, they wanted more. Even when they did realize that they could God was their Redeemer, they would “flatter him with their mouths, lying to him with their tongues” (v. 36,37). Their praise to God was merely superficial, their “hearts were not loyal to him” (37). In continuing this Bible reading, I want to know more about God

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