2750 New York Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107

L.A., Nagoya, Fukuoka Juniors’ Bible Reading with Jun

August 23: Neh 11-13, Esther 1-2

In this week’s bible reading, Nehemiah chapter 12 it says that the people of Israel set aside the portions for the musicians, gatekeepers, and Levites daily. I learned from the Israelites that setting aside and giving the time and talent I received back to God is important. Applying this to my life, when I do things I enjoy like drawing I want to use it for God and not just for my own pleasure. For example, I’m taking Graphic Design at school right now and we started to learn the different techniques in making illustrations and color theory, so I want to use what I learned for God, like for the testimony illustration and other things.


For the past few chapters of Nehemiah, the Israelites took God’s words seriously, made reforms, and followed God’s words. In Chapter 13, they read the Book of Moses and upon hearing that Ammonites and Moabites weren’t allowed in God’s presence, they excluded them from Israel. However, also in chapter 13, while Nehemiah was gone, Eliashib allowed Tobiah to be in the storerooms, the Levites and musicians left the temple neglected, and people worked during the Sabbath. When Nehemiah was gone, the Israelites returned to their old ways and forgot all the things they learned. Applying this to my life, as school starts, I should continue to be consistent with my Bible reading, and make time for it even if I have a lot of work to do.




This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how God always blessed and protected the people of Israel from their enemies no matter what since they were always obedient to him and listened to his word. Applying this to my life, I should always apply God in my life in order to learn more from him as well as pray to him everyday and read the Bible as well everyday.




Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
like for the testimony illustration and other things.
What “other things?” Be specific. For example, like we suggested many times over the course of many years to you and other youths, using your own art to make tracts or short comic strips that explains who Jesus is and what he did for you (this is just one example) is a good way to use your artwork for spreading the gospel. Or making handmade Bible verse cards or bookmarks to give to your friends, etc. (もう何回も言ってるよね?)Drawing for the testimony booklet is fine, but it is not really going to help spread the gospel.

Let’s be a doer of what we say, not just a sayer.

Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
Applying this to my life, as school starts, I should continue to be consistent with my Bible reading, and make time for it even if I have a lot of work to do.
Good. I hope you all realize that doing this (reading the Bible at least a little bit every day and thinking about what God wants you to learn from what you read) is of much higher value than doing your schoolwork. What you learn from God will stay with you and help you throughout the rest of your life, forming the basis of everything you do. Without a strong foundation in God’s word, even if you work really hard at your schoolwork and become successful in a worldly way, your life will go astray. But if you truly put God first in your life everyday, God will bless you in all the other areas of your life as well!

Jun’s comment re: Yoshiya:
