2750 New York Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107

L.A., Nagoya, Fukuoka Juniors’ Bible Reading with Jun

October 4: Job 18-22

In this week’s bible reading Job’s friends condemns Job even more harshly then their previously. They get too caught up in trying to prove their point that they don’t really listen to Job and just keep repeating what they said over and over again, which is Job is a sinner and he deserved we hat he got.
This week I got irritated at Juri for not getting ready by the time we had to leave even though she woke up early. I was caught up in trying to prove that I was right in saying she was slow, and lashed out on her. After reading how the friends talked to Job I feel like I talked to Juri in a similar matter of repeating the same things harshly which she didn’t listen to. I realized that I shouldn’t get my irritation to change the way I talk.




In this week’s Bible reading, they continue their arguing, with Job’s friends still convinced that Job had done something “wicked,” and that this was his punishment. In their arrogance, they failed to see what was really going on and criticized Job for something he didn’t do. Nevertheless, Job remained adamant that he was innocent and did not do anything wrong. I learned that it is good to speak up about what I believe/know to be true even though the people around me tell me otherwise. For example, this week, I did a coding project with a friend, and there was something wrong with the code. My friend thought that my code was wrong, and even though I was pretty certain that mine had no problems, I didn’t say anything and tried to debug for about 10 minutes. I ended up checking my friend’s code and found that he had put commas instead of “+” signs, which was why it wasn’t working. I should speak up more when I know that what other people are saying is wrong. However, I should know my place, and listen to people who are higher level than me (spiritually, academically, etc.) so that I don’t end up being like Job’s friends.


ヨブとその友人らの問答に於いて、興味を持った言葉は、「彼らは神に向かって言う。 「ほうっておいてください。 あなたに従う道など知りたくもない。 なぜ、全能者に仕えなければならないのか。 神に祈って何になるのか。」 だが、彼らは財産を手にしているではないか。 神に逆らう者の考えはわたしから遠い。」ヨブ21‬:‭14‬から16‬の神から離れた人々についてヨブが語った言葉である。ヨブは持っているものを失いまくった一方、財産を持つ神に逆らう者がいる。つまりヨブが神に罪を犯したから財産を失った訳ではない。それにもかかわらず、友人達はヨブを非難した。彼らは彼のことについて何も知らない。人のことを人は知らないのに、人の弱いところを突いて、偉そうな説教や知ったような態度を取りたくない。


In this week’s Bible reading, I learned about how Job continued to get mocked and scolded by his friends and yet continued to speak about. Applying this to my life, just like Job, I sometimes face disagreements with friends in my classwork or projects. Like Job though, I shouldn’t let these things turn me down, but rather not be discouraged by this and tell them my way of doing the work.


Jun re: Emiri:


Jun re: Mukai:





Jun re: Timothy:
Good, Timothy!👍I really hope you will continue to grow in this aspect (being bolder in expressing to others what you are thinking and what you believe so God can use you more). From my own experience in school, it is usually those who don’t have anything worthwhile to contribute that speak up needlessly and waste time, while those who do have something to contribute often stay quiet. In the end, we are all just vessels. This is what helped me be bolder when I was growing up. Getting out of the mindset of me being the one who has to speak or do something, but rather, God being the one who speaks and does his work through me.

Jun re: Tomas:
Disagreements with friends about projects is a little different than what Job was facing. Learning to work through disagreements, while also speaking your mind is part of growing up. Do you want to know what’s the best way to (usually) get people to listen to you, though? Being the most prepared (always) and being one of the best students in class will usually be enough to silence disagreements, because in the end, most kids just want to get a good grade and are more than happy to let students who are better than them do most of the work 😏.😁

Jun re: Yoshiya:
Welcome back Yoshiya!

「彼らは神に向かって言う。 「ほうっておいてください。 あなたに従う道など知りたくもない。 なぜ、全能者に仕えなければならないのか。 神に祈って何になるのか。」