2750 New York Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107

L.A., Nagoya, Fukuoka Juniors’ Bible Reading with Jun

September 20: Job 8-12

In this week’s bible reading Jobs friends continue to accuse Job of sinning to God, which they say was the reason his blessings were taken from him. They question Job on what he could have done to have all of these bad things happen to him. In the way Zohar questioned Job he talks down on Job and is exasperated with what Job was saying and claiming he knew better and how Job deserved the punishment. Applying this to my life I should not be a friend like Zohar that who looks down on others but to encourage the people around me, like if my friends is going through a tough time by encouraging them under God.


今回の聖書朗読では、「神様を怒らせた人は相手の不幸を笑う。のところ神様を求めている人はその人たちに笑われる。」ヨブ期 12章4-6


In Job chapter 9, in his despair, Job says that he wants a mediator between him and God; “someone to bring us together, someone to remove God’s rod from me, so that his terror would frighten me no more” (9:33, 34). As a “mere mortal,” he feels that there is no way for him to communicate with God and that his suffering will not end. However, it is mentioned a few times in the Bible that through Jesus, we can confidently and boldly enter God’s presence (Eph 3:12, Heb 10:19). Job’s despair comes from feeling distant/powerless before God, but through Jesus’ sacrifice, that gap is bridged and we can enter his presence without fear and sin. Applying this to my life, whenever I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I should remember that God is with me and I can ask God for help, through Jesus.


This bible reading, I learned about how Job was judged and looked down upon by Zophar. Applying this to my life, I am just like the people around me, like my friends and family and I should treat them with respect. For example, when my parents ask me how my day was or when I need something or need help, I should ask them since that for me is a sign of respect to them rather than just saying nothing to them.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
I should not be a friend like Zohar that who looks down on others but to encourage the people around me, like if my friends is going through a tough time by encouraging them under God.


Jun’s comment re: Mukai:
今回の聖書朗読では、「神様を怒らせた人は相手の不幸を笑う。のところ神様を求めている人はその人たちに笑われる。」ヨブ期 12章4-6

Jun’s comment re: Timothy:
The fact that these verses stood out to you (9:33, 34) shows that you have a good sense of what God wants to say through the book of Job. Also, good for finding the exact verses that talk about how we can now boldly enter God’s presence.

Applying this to my life, whenever I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I should remember that God is with me and I can ask God for help, through Jesus.
Yes, and start by living with him every day (not just when you need help or feel overwhelmed). Come to know God as a living being, just as you come to know and love other people or pets. Eat with him, study with him, have fun with him, speak with him. Praise him from your heart. This was what God wanted from Job. He wanted a personal relationship with Job, and not to be treated as some sort of vending machine for blessings.

Jun’s comment re: Tomas:
For example, when my parents ask me how my day was or when I need something or need help, I should ask them since that for me is a sign of respect to them rather than just saying nothing to them.
Did this happen last week? 😄 Learning to communicate and express yourself to others is important, and I feel in this day and age, when so much of our time is spent dealing with machines (computers, cell phones, etc.), that skill is lost. You are lucky to have parents that care about you and ask how your day was, so take advantage of that and you might be surprised how talking about what happened helps cement what you learned that day and helps deal with any problems you may have encountered. Don’t bottle things up inside. And also ask your parents how their day was. 😉

Emiri re: Jun:
For my application, last week we had a test for history class and my friend didn’t do very well on it. She was really down about her grade and didn’t talk much in the classes afterwards either. I tried to encourage her by telling her that it was just one test and there were other things to makeup for that test but it didn’t really help her since I tried to encourage her with my own stregth, I didn’t look down on her but I wasn’t able to help her either, I felt that in order to be able to help people I need to be living with God all the time, at school and home.

Jun re: Emiri:
I didn’t look down on her but I wasn’t able to help her either, I felt that in order to be able to help people I need to be living with God all the time, at school and home.



Masami’s comment:





