2750 New York Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107

L.A., Nagoya, Fukuoka Juniors’ Bible Reading with Jun

September 6: Esther 8-10, Job 1-2

In this week’s bible reading Mordecai writes a letter concerning Purim. They explain how it should be celebrated, on that day it should be a day of feasting and joy and giving to one another or sharing your blessing. It also says in the end that this day should always be remembered and observed so they won’t forget the blessing God gave them. Applying this to my life I learned through this the importance of not forgetting the blessings I received, and to give blessings to the people around me since I also received them. Like during kids club, to take care of the kids with sincerity since I was also taken cared of, I want to do the same for the people around me.


This week’s Bible reading, I learned about how loyal to God Job was no matter what. Even after Satan sent curses down on him and suffered greatly because of this. Applying this to my life, like Job, we should always be with and rely on God no matter what trials we are going through and no matter what other people say about going with God. Also, God uses hard times like what Job was going through as ways to learn, improve, and teach his ways because he disciplines those he loves like Job. For example, I have a lot of assignments currently and I now have to memorize a song for my up-coming concert. Even though these things seem hard, God will use these experiences as ways for me to improve on my learning as well as being able to play the viola.






The last part of Esther focuses on what happened to the Jews after the execution of Haman. They went from fearing death by Haman’s edict to “a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor,” with Mordecai becoming second in rank to the king. Even after Haman’s death, Esther begged the king to put an end to Haman’s plans. What stood out to me was that she stayed very humble, despite the king always listening to her requests (he even said that he would give her half the kingdom if she wanted in chapter 7). She did not grow arrogant and kept her attitude the same. She did the right things and passed the “tests” that God gave her, she understands that she needed God to save her people. Applying this to my life, I should always be thankful, and when something good happens (such as getting a good grade on an assignment/test, etc.), I should always remember that I God helped me and I didn’t do it by myself.


Jun’s comment re: Emiri:
to give blessings to the people around me since I also received them. Like during kids club, to take care of the kids with sincerity since I was also taken cared of,
Yes, but just as the Jews gave “gifts to the poor” (rather than simply “gifts to friends and family”), who are those that are “poor” around you? Especially spiritually poor? Probably not the kids in church, but rather those outside—your friends and classmates who don’t have a relationship with God yet. That classmate in chemistry class (I don’t know what exactly she did or said to you but) she too is also spiritually poor if she acts meanly towards you—do you see that? If you can, it will change your mindset 180 degrees and you can act towards her with God’s love (not our love) and be a wonderful witness of Christ to her.

Jun’s comment re: Tomas:
Also, God uses hard times like what Job was going through as ways to learn, improve, and teach his ways because he disciplines those he loves like Job.
Yes, but it’s also important to see what the specific lesson was that God wanted Job to learn. It wasn’t just “discipline” in a general sense.

God wanted Job to do all the good deeds he was already doing and live the godly (pure) lifestyle he was already living, for a different reason (motivation) than he had at the outset of the story. Job was doing these things because he wanted to be blessed (and his family to be blessed). The flip side is that one can also say he was doing these things out of fear of punishment. God rather wanted Job to love him, and to live a good life out of love for him, and for no other reason.

This is a very important truth that is very much easier said than done (easy to understand with your head, but not easy to do, because it is a matter of the heart and not something that can be physically seen).

Jun’s comment re: Mukai:


Jun’s comment re: Yoshiya:
Good. クリスチャンにとって、試練はいつも、強くしてくれるものです。嫌なことが起きたり、苦手な人・ことに出会った時、頭に置いとくといいです。また、これによって、ステップアップできる!と思えば、試練も喜びになります。




Jun’s comment re: TImothy:
Ok, good Timothy.

Everyone, use Google translate (or something similar) to read all the emails if you don’t understand Japanese (or vice versa). When I write replies, I am basically writing to everyone (hoping it will be helpful to all of you), so please read the emails I’ve sent to others as well.

Yakumo said he doesn’t want to do Bible reading, so please leave out his email from now on.